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创新是社会前进的动力,只有不断开拓创新,工作才能不断进步,税收事业才能蓬勃发展。这是沈阳市地方税务局高新技术产业开发区分局领导班子经过十年的磨练,逐渐总结、积累而形成的共识。为此,2000年以来,他们始终把开拓创新作为分局各项工作的“指南针”,不断更新观念,增强创新意识,带领全局广大干部职工努力拼搏,锐意进取,使各项工作都处在全系统领先位置。创新思维视角,确立执法与服务并重的治税思想。近年来,面对税收事业不断发展的新形势,分局领导班子把依法治税与为经济发展服务共同作为今后一个时期的治税思想。这一新的治税思想的确立,从根本上改变了分局的工作面貌,仅用一年的时间,就跨入省市先进行列,先后获得市行风建设先进单位和省文明单位的荣誉;连续多年在全系统目标管理考核中名列前茅;2004年全口径税收实现77822万元,比2000年增长了6倍多。税费首次突破10亿元大关,为新区的经济发展和城市建设做出了积极的贡献。 Innovation is the driving force for social progress. Only by constantly blazing new trails can we make continuous progress in our work so that the tax revenue industry can flourish. This is the Shenyang City Local Taxation Bureau High-tech Industrial Development Zone Branch after ten years of training, gradually sum up and accumulate the consensuses. To this end, since 2000, they have always regarded pioneering and innovative work as a “compass” for various tasks in their branches. They have constantly updated their concepts, enhanced their awareness of innovation, and led cadres and workers of the entire country in their efforts and determination to forge ahead so that all work is system-wide Leading position. Innovation thinking perspective, the establishment of both law enforcement and service tax thought. In recent years, in face of the new situation of continuous development of the taxation business, the leading group of the sub-bureau jointly regards the taxation and service for economic development as the tax-cutting ideas for the coming period. The establishment of this new idea of ​​tax treatment fundamentally changed the work profile of the branch office. In just one year, it has stepped into the advanced ranks of provinces and cities and won the honors of the advanced unit of city business ethics and the provincial civilized unit. For years in a row in the system-wide target management assessment among the best; in 2004 the full-caliber tax revenue 778220000 yuan, an increase of more than 6 times in 2000. For the first time, taxes and fees exceeded the mark of 1 billion yuan, making a positive contribution to the economic development and urban construction of the new district.
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