Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia Cass.(Asteraceae:Mutisieae:Gerbera-complex),an Asian-N

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Leibnitzia comprises six species of perennial herbs that are adapted to high elevation conditions and is one of only two Asteraceae genera known to have an exclusively disjunct distribution spanning central to eastern Asia and North America.Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia and other Gerbera-complex members indicates that Leibnitzia is monophyletic,which is in contrast with our expectation that the American Leibnitzia species L. lyrata and L.occimadrensis would be more closely related to another American member of the Gerbera-complex,namely Chaptalia.Ancestral area reconstructions show that the historical biogeography of the Gerbera-complex mirrors that of the entire Asteraceae,with early diverging lineages located in South America that were followed by transfers to Africa and Eurasia and,most recently,to North America.Intercontinental transfer of Leibnitzia appears to have been directed from Asia to North America.Independent calibrations of nuclear(ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region)and chloroplast(trnL-rpl32 intron)DNA sequence data using relaxed clock methods and either mean rate or fossil-based priors unanimously support Miocene and younger divergence times for Gerbera-complex taxa.The ages are not consistent with most Gondwanan vicariance episodes and,thus,the global distribution of Gerbera-complex members must be explained in large part by long-distance dispersal.American species of Leibnitzia are estimated to have diverged from their Asian ancestor during the Quaternary(ca.2 mya)and either migrated overland to North America via Beringia and retreated southwards along high elevation corridors to their present location in southwestern North America or were dispersed long distance. Leibnitzia contains six species of perennial herbs that are adapted to high elevation conditions and is one of only two Asteraceae genera known to have an exclusively disjunct distribution spanning central to eastern Asia and North America. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Leibnitzia and other Gerbera-complex members indicates that Leibnitzia is monophyletic, which is in contrast with our expectation that the American Leibnitzia species L. lyrata and L. occimadrensis would be more closely related to another American member of the Gerbera-complex, namely Chaptalia. Ceremonial area reconstructions show that the historical biogeography of the Gerbera-complex mirrors that of the entire Asteraceae, with early diverging lineages located in South America that were followed by transfers to Africa and Eurasia and, most recently, to North America.Intercontinental transfer of Leibnitzia have to been directed from Asia to North America.Independent calibrations of nuclear (ribosomal DNA internal t ranscribed spacer region) and chloroplast (trnL-rpl32 intron) DNA sequence data using relaxed clock methods and either mean or fossil-based priors unanimously supported Miocene and younger divergence times for Gerbera-complex taxa. The ages are not consistent with most Gondwanan vicariance episodes and thus, the global distribution of Gerbera-complex members must be explained in large part by long-distance dispersal. American species of Leibnitzia are estimated to have diverged from their Asian ancestor during the Quaternary (ca.2 mya) and either migrated overland to North America via Beringia and retreated southwards along high elevation corridors to their present location in southwestern North America or were dispersed long distance.
如何使水彩这门艺术在不失自身艺术语言特征的同时,使之在艺术观念、审美趣味,艺术境界以及话语形式等诸方面有所拓展,更具现代品格和民族精神,一直是困扰我的一个问题。 传
2008年10月27日至11月16日,广东的19名中小学校长在华南师大校长培训中心的组织下,深入美国田纳西州纳什维尔市的中小学校进行了实地考察。  凯恩·瑞奇综合高中是纳什维尔市新开办的一所公立中学,目前只有九、十两个年级(相当于我国的高一、高二年级),共有700多名学生。该校校长劳尔年近六十,是一位很有办学经验的女校长。她的办学理念突出以人为本,认为教师必须尽职尽责,亲近学生,与学生成为朋友,注
2007年暑假,我在英国的Newcastle学习了三个星期,期间住在当地人家里。这是一个单亲家庭,未婚妈妈Miss Love和她3岁的女儿Holly,让我看到了与我国不同的教育方式。  大胆放手,让孩子独立起来  英国家庭素有“把餐桌当成课堂”的传统,从孩子上餐桌的第一天起,家长就开始进行有形或无形的“进餐教育”,以帮助孩子养成良好的用餐习惯,所以我看到小小的Holly坐在自己的位置上,熟练地用汤
那天上课,讲的是周敦颐的《爱莲说》。我先向学生简介了作者,然后再在黑板上写上标题——爱莲说。我刚写完题目,正准备进入正题,忽然,有人大声喊了一句:“老师,你的那个字写错了!”谁?我定睛一看,原来是班上一个学习成绩并不怎么好的学生Z说的。顿时,全班人的目光“刷”地一下全都集中在了Z身上,我也有点发窘。  写错了吗?我抬眼把黑板上仅有的几个字来回看了几转,都没有发现什么问题。怎么回事呢?为了以示公正,
一、选修课,谁来选?  《广州市普通高中语文新课程实施情况的调研报告》指出:“新课程实施三年,还未出现让学生自主选择学习的课程,选修还基本处在‘统一’和‘限定’的状态中。本次调查,有94%的教师所在的级组的选修课都是按原教学班集体选修,其中80.19%是按原教学班集体选修,全级同时开设规定的模块。”本来,选修课,学生应该有选择的自由。但是,许多学校由于硬件和软件方面的问题而统一规定几门选修课,学生
这学期我接了一个新班,上了一个星期的课,发现这帮学生似乎对语文不感兴趣,上课沉闷,不爱举手发言。写起作文来,总是干巴巴的,乏味枯燥。为了改变现状,我冥思苦想。  有一次上课,我见一位学生的发言较精彩,就把学生在发言中用的好的词语,写在黑板上,并把他的姓名用括号注在这个词语的旁边。没想到这做法激起了学生发言的积极性。他们争相发言,都希望能在黑板上有“露脸”的机会。后来,由于发言的学生多了,词汇也渐渐
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