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商业行政管理体制改革既是经济体制改革的一个方面,又是政治体制改革的重要组成部份。经济体制改革的目的应有利于经济发展,有利于进一步解放生产力。商业行政体制改革的出发点,应是解决目前商品流通中阻碍商业发展、经济发展的问题,消除影响市场繁荣、稳定、完善、发育的因素。流通体制改革以来,有两个问题经常困扰着商业部门和政府部门的领导同志。一是市场大起大落,波动大;二是市场运行无规则,活而无序。新的体制应有利于解决这两个问题。为解决这两个问题可将商业的管理内容分为三类:一类是商品经营管理,即制定商品经营的法规、政策,并监督实施;二类是商业的行业管理,即规划行业发展战略,统筹、协调行业中问题;三类是市场行为管理,即对市场中的经营者行为进行外部 The reform of the commercial administrative system is not only an aspect of the economic system reform, but also an important part of the political system reform. The purpose of the economic system reform should be conducive to economic development and help further liberate the productive forces. The starting point for the reform of the commercial administrative system should be to solve the problems that hinder commercial development and economic development in the current commodity circulation, and eliminate the factors that affect market prosperity, stability, perfection, and development. Since the reform of the circulation system, two problems have often plagued leading comrades in the commercial sector and government departments. First, the market has undergone dramatic ups and downs and fluctuations. Second, the market is operating in an irregular and lively manner. The new system should be conducive to solving these two problems. In order to solve these two problems, the commercial management content can be divided into three categories: one is the commodity management, that is, the formulation of the laws, regulations and policies of the commodity management, and supervise the implementation; the second category is the commercial industry management, that is, the planning industry development strategy. , coordinating and coordinating the problems in the industry; the third category is the management of market behavior, that is, the external conduct of the operators in the market.
编辑同志: 最近笔者去基层了解到,少数乡村的“民兵之家”被人称为“赌博之家”。一些民兵预备役人员利用农闲,在“民兵之家”摆起了麻将桌,还实行“血战到底”,搞起了赌博
问题提起 台湾经济经过三十多年的持续增长,到八十年代初,已进入一个新阶段。 根据1988年4月份的资料显示,台湾29类出口产品中,有16类呈下降趋势。按金额计,该月出口额为48.
如何打开话题第五招不管你是遇到了隔壁王大妈还是公司赵经理,哪怕是美国总统布什,你都可以利用以下这个句型轻松搭话:I see+thatclause.请看经典对话:经典对话对话1A:I see
兴起学习贯彻 “三个代表”重要思 想的新高潮,就是 牢记职责,不辱使 命,进一步强化当 兵吃苦,当兵就要 打仗,带兵打仗的 思想。作为人武部 门就是要抓好新形势下民兵预备役
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