热浸镀铝材料是一种新型复合材料。其表面的镀铝层具有很好的耐高温,抗氧化,耐腐蚀性能及良好的光亮性,基体为钢铁材料,具有优良的机械性能。它的开发应用受到科研、生产部门的广泛关注。 热浸镀铝材料可广泛应用于化工、石油、汽车、冶金、电力、航空、建筑装潢等行业。在某些领域,它可代替不锈钢、耐热钢、镀锌钢和铝合金型材,使用寿命一般可达到普通碳钢的三倍以上。
Hot-dip aluminized material is a new type of composite material. The surface of the aluminum layer has a very good high temperature resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and good bright, the matrix of steel, with excellent mechanical properties. Its development and application of scientific research, production departments of widespread concern. Hot dip aluminizing materials can be widely used in chemical, petroleum, automotive, metallurgy, electric power, aviation, construction and decoration industries. In some areas, it can replace stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, galvanized steel and aluminum alloy profiles, the service life is generally up to three times more than ordinary carbon steel.