
来源 :广西蔗糖 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ten_wang
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2001 -2002年间在哈里亚纳农业大学卡纳尔地区糖业研究站进行春植蔗试验 ,试验处理包括对照、施NP肥、施NPK肥、施NPKZn肥、施N肥 +厩肥12 5吨 /公顷、施N肥 +亚硫酸法滤泥12 5吨 /公顷和施N肥 +田菁绿肥回田、施NP肥 +厩肥、施NP肥 +亚硫酸法滤泥、施NP肥 +田菁绿肥回田、施NPK肥 +厩肥、施NPK肥 +亚硫酸法滤泥和施NPK肥 +田菁绿肥回田 ,其中N ,P ,K和Zn肥的每公顷施用量分别为150公斤N ,50公斤P2O5,50公斤K2O和25公斤ZnSO4。研究结果表明 ,施用NPK肥比施用NP肥提高甘蔗产量 ,增加甘蔗有效茎数、单茎重、株高、茎径、含糖分( %)和商品蔗糖含量( %) ;施用NPKZn肥的效果与施用NPK肥相同 ;N肥与有机肥配施对这几个甘蔗参数的影响效果与施用NP肥相同 ;在施用NP肥的基础上增施有机肥会提高甘蔗有效茎数、单茎重、株高和茎径等产量构成因素 ,效果与施用NPK肥相同 ;NPK肥与有机肥配施的这些甘蔗参素值最大。总之 ,在甘蔗生产上采用NP肥或NPK肥与有机肥配施是比较好的措施。在施用NP肥的基础上增施K肥会提高土壤中的有效K含量。有机肥与N ,NP或NPK肥等无机肥配施会增加土壤中的有机碳含量。NP肥或NPK肥与有机肥配施会提高土壤中的有效P、K含量。因此 ,有机无机肥料的配合施用有助于提高土壤肥力 During 2001-2002, the spring sugarcane experiment was carried out at the sugar industry research station of Kanal region at Haryana Agricultural University. The experimental treatments included control NP fertilizers, NPK fertilizers, NPKZn fertilizers and 125 tons / Hectare, N fertilizer + sulfite filter mud 125 tons / hectare and application of N fertilizer + Sesbania green fertilizer back to the field, NP fertilizer + manure applied NP fertilizer + sulfite filter mud, NP fertilizer + Sesbania green manure Returned to the field, NPK fertilizers + manure, NPK fertilizers + sulfite filter mud and NPK fertilizers + Sesbania green manure back to the field, of which N, P, K and Zn fertilizer application rate of 150 kg per hectare N, 50 Kg P2O5, 50 kg K2O and 25 kg ZnSO4. The results showed that NPK fertilizer application increased the yield of sugarcane and increased the effective stem number, single stem weight, plant height, stem diameter, sugar content (%) and commercial sugar content (%) compared with NPK fertilizers. NPK fertilizer application the same; N fertilizer and organic manure application of these sugarcane parameters affect the same with the application of NP fertilizer; application of NP fertilizer based on the application of organic fertilizer will increase the effective sugarcane number of stems, single stem weight, strain High and stem diameter and other yield components, with the same effect as the application of NPK fertilizer; NPK fertilizer and organic fertilizer combined with these sugarcane cortisol value maximum. In short, the use of NP fertilizer or NPK fertilizer in the production of sugar cane and organic fertilizer is a good measure. The application of K fertilizer based on the application of NP fertilizer will increase the effective K content in the soil. Organic fertilizers and N, NP or NPK fertilizers and other inorganic fertilizers will increase the soil organic carbon content. NP fertilizers or NPK fertilizers and organic fertilizers will increase soil available P, K content. Therefore, the combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers can help improve soil fertility
本文通用均匀设计试验筛选出最佳四元展开系统,采用纸色谱-紫外分光光度法测定了脂质体中的总药物量;采用凝胶柱分离-紫外分光光度法测定了游离药物量。此分析方法操作简单、测定准确、重现性好,解决了测定酮洛芬脂质体制剂包封率难的问题。 本文选用薄膜分散-膜挤压法制备酮洛芬脂质体,从成膜和水化两个方面对制备工艺进行了考察,在单因素考察的基础上正交设计试验筛选出最佳处方;通过...
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