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吴禄贞(1880——1911),字缓卿,湖北云梦人,早年曾东渡日本留学军事,是早期的兴中会员之一。在其短暂的一生中,他积极投身孙中山领导的民主革命运动,倡导武力反满。他曾参与组织长江流域的“自立军”起义;辛亥革命爆发后,他又跃马河朔,组织“燕晋联军”。策反新军倒戈,推动了北方革命形势的发展。吴禄贞对于民主革命的贡献,史家曾不乏评述。值得一提的是,在本世纪初年,吴禄贞还曾两度代表清政府筹边吉林,折冲尊俎,在所谓“间岛”边务交涉中,以其饱满的爱国热情和杰出的外交才干,力挽狂澜,挫败了日本帝国主义企图肢解、吞并我东北延吉地区的阴谋,维护了祖国领土的完整,在我国近代外交史上留下了光辉的一页。在外辱日甚,国难当头的危急时刻,作为一个民主革命者,他能挺 Wu Luzhen (1880-1911), the word slow, Hubei Yunmeng people, early years had to study military in Japan, is one of the early Xingzhong members. In his brief life, he actively participated in the democratic revolutionary movement led by Sun Yat-sen and advocated the use of force against mankind. He was involved in organizing the “self-reliance army” uprising in the Yangtze River basin. After the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, he re-emerged as a “coalition of Yan and Jin.” Counterattack new army to defeat, promoted the development of the revolutionary situation in the north. Wu Luzhen contribution to the democratic revolution, historians have no shortage of comments. It is worth mentioning that during the early years of this century, Wu Luzhen also twice raised the banner of Jilin on behalf of the Qing government and turned his attention to respecting him. In his so-called “inter-island” cross-border negotiation, with his full patriotic enthusiasm and outstanding diplomatic skills , Turning the tide and frustrating the Japanese imperialists’ attempt to dismember and annex the conspiracy in the Yanji area in the northeast of China and safeguarding the integrity of the territory of the motherland, leaving a glorious page in the history of modern China’s diplomacy. As a democratic revolutionary, he can do well in a time when the external disgrace is still serious and the national crisis takes the lead
【正】 赌博是旧社会遗留下来的恶习之一.解放以来,特别是近几年,我国制定了许多禁止赌博的法律法规,采取了一系列禁赌措施,从总体看虽然取得了一定成效,但赌博之风仍未从根
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