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背景:随着机体衰老性腺功能逐渐降低,中国传统医学认为精气虚弱是导致机体衰老的主要原因。目的:观察中药天年饮对亚急性衰老大鼠血清睾酮含量、睾丸组织超氧化物歧化酶的活性及睾丸生精细胞凋亡的影响。设计:随机对照实验。单位:承德医学院人体解剖学教研室。材料:实验于2003-04/07在承德医学院基础医学研究所进行。选择成年雄性SD大鼠40只,随机分为4组,每组10只。模型组、用药组、对照组采用D-半乳糖连续腹腔注射200mg/(kg·d)制备亚急性衰老动物模型,1次/d,共40d,模型组大鼠于造模成功后不再作任何处理。用药组大鼠于造模成功后每天用天年饮灌胃(天年饮由灸何首乌、怀牛膝、肉从蓉、茯苓、丹参、淫羊藿6味中药组成,经熬制后含生药1.5g/mL),1次/d,共30d;对照组大鼠在造模成功后每天灌胃同等剂量的生理盐水,时间同用药组大鼠。方法:各组大鼠血清中睾酮的含量采用酶联免疫吸附方法检测,睾丸组织中超氧化物歧化酶的活性采用黄嘌呤氧化酶法检测,睾丸生精细胞的凋亡情况采用免疫组化法观察。主要观察指标:①各组大鼠血清中睾酮的含量。②睾丸组织中超氧化物歧化酶的活性。③睾丸生精细胞的凋亡情况。结果:40只大鼠均进入结果分析。①血清中睾酮的含量:模型组大鼠血清睾酮含量低于正常组犤(0.52±0.15)μg/L,(1.26±0.32)μg/L,(t=3.004,P<0.05)犦,用药组高于模型组犤(1.16±0.32)μg/L,(0.52±0.15)μg/L,(t=2.321,P<0.05)犦。②睾丸组织超氧化物歧化酶的活性:模型组明显低于正常组犤(107.22±9.33)kNU/g,(147.73±11.9)kNU/g,(t=13.339,P<0.01)犦,用药组明显高于模型组犤(141.05±14.57)kNU/g,(107.22±9.33)kNU/g,(t=9.970,P<0.01)犦。③生精细胞的凋亡情况:模型组凋亡生精小管百分率、凋亡阳性细胞率均明显高于正常组犤(53.95±2.02)%比(34.21±2.10)%,(8.67±0.80)%比(3.86±0.52)%,(χ2=7.9,P<0.01,χ2=5.01,P<0.05)犦;用药组明显低于模型组犤(35.33±2.18)%比(53.95±2.02)%,(4.68±0.74)%比(8.67±0.80)%,(χ2=7.02,P<0.01,χ2=3.96,P<0.05)犦。结论:衰老模型睾丸生精细胞凋亡增多,经天年饮灌胃后可以使凋亡细胞阳性率明显下降,说明天年饮可以清除体内过多的氧自由基,减少凋亡发生,改善动物模型的生精功能。 BACKGROUND: With the decline of the body’s aging gonad function, Chinese traditional medicine believes that the weakness of refined essence is the main cause of aging. OBJECTIVE: To observe the effect of traditional Chinese medicine Tiannianyin on serum testosterone levels, superoxide dismutase activity in testis and apoptosis of spermatogenic cells in subacute aging rats. Design: Randomized controlled trials. Unit: Department of Anatomy, Chengde Medical College. MATERIALS: The experiment was performed at the Institute of Basic Medicine, Chengde Medical College from April 2003 to July 2007. 40 adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 4 groups with 10 in each group. In the model group, the drug group and the control group, a subacute senile animal model was prepared by continuous intraperitoneal injection of D-galactose 200 mg/(kg·d) for 1 time per day for 40 days. The rats in the model group no longer performed after the successful model establishment. Any processing. The rats in the medication group were given daily lavage with Tiannianyi after being successful in the model (Tiannian Yin consists of 6 Chinese herbal medicines: moxibustion, polygoni multiflori, vegetative Achyranthes bidentata, meat from Rong, wolfberry, salvia miltiorrhiza, epimedium, and crude drug 1.5g/mL), once a day for 30 days. Rats in the control group were given the same dose of normal saline every day after the model was established. Methods: The content of testosterone in serum of each group was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The activity of superoxide dismutase in testis was detected by xanthine oxidase method. The apoptosis of spermatogenic cells in testis was observed by immunohistochemistry. . MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Level of testosterone in serum of each group. 2 superoxide dismutase activity in the testis. 3 testicular spermatogenic cell apoptosis. Results: Forty rats were involved in the result analysis. 1 Content of testosterone in serum: The level of testosterone in rats of model group was lower than that of normal group (0.52±0.15) μg/L, (1.26±0.32) μg/L, (t=3.004, P<0.05). Higher than the model group (1.16±0.32) μg/L, (0.52±0.15) μg/L, (t=2.321, P<0.05). 2The activity of superoxide dismutase in testicular tissue: The model group was significantly lower than the normal group (107.22±9.33) kNU/g, (147.73±11.9) kNU/g, (t=13.339, P<0.01). It was significantly higher than that of the model group (141.05±14.57) kNU/g, (107.22±9.33) kNU/g, (t=9.970, P<0.01). 3 Apoptosis of spermatogenic cells: The percentage of apoptotic seminiferous tubules and apoptotic cells in the model group were significantly higher than those in the normal group (53.95±2.02)% (34.21±2.10)%, (8.67±0.80)%. The ratio was (3.86±0.52)%,(χ2=7.9,P<0.01,χ2=5.01,P<0.05)犦; The medication group was significantly lower than the model group犤(35.33±2.18)%(53.95±2.02)%,( 4.68±0.74)% compared with (8.67±0.80)%, (χ2=7.02, P<0.01, χ2=3.96, P<0.05). Conclusion: The apoptosis rate of the spermatogenic cells in the testis of the aging model increases, and the positive rate of apoptotic cells can be significantly decreased after the Tiannianguangu administration. This shows that Tiannianyin can remove excess oxygen free radicals, reduce the occurrence of apoptosis, and improve animals. The sperm function of the model.
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资料与方法本文分析所涉及的资料来源详见课题概述 ,主要通过Visualfoxpro和Excel建立数据库 ,由SPSS进行数据分析。本文所涉及的预防保健 (以下简称防保 )开展能力综合指标、防保科地位综合指标、