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自80年使用全国统一试题以来,研究生英语入学试卷博采各种语言测试流派命题形式之所长,逐渐形成了自已的特色。试卷不仅含有大量流行的客观性试题,还注意保留了相当分量的主观性测试项目;试题类型不单吸取了分立式测试流派的长处,也给综合性试题以重要的地位。这样,不但能在较大的知识范围内取样检验,考查考生的认知能力,而且要求考生具备一定的复用能力,从而激发学生全面学习知识的动机。特别值得一提的是,今年阅读理解一题从往年句子水平上升到语篇水平,提高了对阅读的要求。但作为一种在全国范围内颇有影响的选拔人才的水平测试试卷,笔者认为还存在一些值得商榷的问题。现不揣冒昧提出,谨供商讨。 Since the use of the National Unified Question in 1980, the Graduate English Entry Examination Paper has drawn on the strengths of various linguistic test propositions and gradually developed its own characteristics. The test paper not only contains a large number of popular objectivity test questions, but also pays attention to retaining a considerable amount of subjective test items; the test question types not only draw on the strengths of the discrete test schools, but also give an important position to comprehensive test questions. In this way, it is not only possible to sample and test within a larger range of knowledge, examine the examinee’s cognitive ability, but also require candidates to have a certain degree of re-use, so as to stimulate students’ motivation to fully study knowledge. It is worth mentioning that this year’s reading comprehension has risen from the level of previous sentences to the level of discourse and has increased the demand for reading. However, as a test paper for level testing that has a lot of influence on selected talents nationwide, the author believes that there are still some questions that are worth discussing. I would like to take the liberty to propose it for consideration.
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试将下列英语调嗓子译成汉语,注意每个句子里的 Try translating the following English notes into Chinese, paying attention to each sentence