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中国抗日战争的伟大胜利一扫中国百年来屡战屡败的屈辱史,为中国新民主主义革命的胜利奠定了基础。中国抗日战争的伟大胜利,还使中国一跃而为与英美苏平起平坐的大国,得以参与许多国际会议和国际问题的解决,得以以四大发起国之一参与新国际组织——联合国的创建,并成为联合国安理会五大常任理事国之一,从而肩负起对世界的特殊责任。正如毛泽东1945年指出的那样:“中国是全世界参加反法西斯战争的五个最大的国家之一,是在亚洲大陆上反对日本侵略者的主要国家。中国人民不但在抗日战 The great victory of the Chinese anti-Japanese war, sweeping away the history of humiliation that China has repeatedly defeated for centuries, has laid the foundation for the victory of China’s new-democratic revolution. The great victory of China in the War of Resistance Against Japan, but also China’s leap forward to become a major power playing an equal part with the United States and Britain and the Soviet Union, have been able to participate in the settlement of many international conferences and international issues and have been able to participate in the founding of the new international organization, the United Nations, with one of the four founding nations. Become one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, so as to shoulder the special responsibility for the world. As Mao Zedong pointed out in 1945, "China is one of the five largest countries in the world participating in the anti-Fascist war and the major country that opposes the Japanese invaders on the Asian continent.
【正】 明中后发展起来的私人海上贸易,冲击了封建统治阶层,使统治集团内部形成主禁与主开的两股对立政治势力,并长期进行争论和斗争,他们争论的焦点是:第一,开市与祖宗成法
Chapter 1. Shenton mountain Battle making Great Prestige to the 129th DivisionChapter 2. A fierce fight in the Xiangtang town stricking the observating KMT Gen
一、牌楼重建“团城”岿然 北京故宫对面的“团城”遗迹,是现在仍然保留在北海附近的一座地面建筑。这个遗迹的保留,是在周总理的具体指示下作出的。团城传为大都建立时同时
【正】 长期以来,汪海洋的研究,并未受到太平天国史专家们的应有的重视,有的评价尚欠公允。笔者依据新材料,试作进一步的探讨,并提出一些异议,以就教于方家。第一,在《全椒县