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1972年2月,美国总统尼克松应中国总理周恩来的邀请访华。中美两国政府于2月27日在上海签署《联合公报》(又称《上海公报》),并于28日发表。《联合公报》的发表,标志着中美两国政府经过20多年的对抗,开始向关系正常化方向发展,为两国建交奠定了基础。在《上海公报》发表35周年之际,美国前副国务卿罗伯特·佐利克在媒体撰文指出,自1972年以来,中美经济关系迅速发展,但为此奠定基础的政治关系滞后,因而两国政治关系会出现滑坡的风险。事实上,中国始终以其参与国际事务的具体行动,诠释着“国际社会中的负责任大国”的形象:用和谐的世界促进中国的和平发展,亦以中国的和平发展推动世界更加和谐,中国已清楚地表明了对全球化的国际社会的态度。 In February 1972, President Nixon visited China at the invitation of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. The Chinese and U.S. governments signed the “Joint Communique” (also known as the “Shanghai Communique”) in Shanghai on February 27 and published it on the 28th. The publication of the “Joint Communique” marked the beginning of the normalization of relations after more than 20 years of confrontation between the Chinese and U.S. governments and laid the foundation for the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries. On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Shanghai Communique, the former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick wrote in the media that since 1972, Sino-U.S. economic relations have developed rapidly, but the political relationship that laid the foundation for this has lagged behind, and thus the politics of the two countries Relationships are at risk of landslides. In fact, China has always interpreted the image of the “responsible big country in the international community” with its specific actions in international affairs: promoting a peaceful development in China with a harmonious world and promoting a more harmonious world with China’s peaceful development. China has clearly demonstrated its attitude towards the global community.
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