抓好自办案件 为西部大开发服务

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世纪之交,我国擂响了西 部大开发的战鼓。国人振奋,全球关注。 西部大开发,最值得重视的是它对中国可持续发展的重大意义,因而它关乎整个中华民族的长远福祉。只有通过使西部几亿各族人民逐步分享改革的成果,分享现代文明的成就,中国社会才能得到整体的进步,并实现真正的长治久安。 我们热切关注西部大开发。纪检监察机关要把我们的职能工作与为西部大开发服务有机地结合起来,通过我们卓有成效的工作,推动党风廉政建设,为西部大开发创造良好的政治和社会环境,最终促进西部和全国经济的发展。这是全国,尤其是西部地区各级纪检监察机关和每一个纪检监察干部都要认真思考并须努力实践的课题。近期,本刊已摘要刊登过一些同志关于纪检监察机关如何服务西部大开发的文章,本期又进一步以此为专题发表一组文章,其中有深思熟虑的见解,也有实践经验的总结。我们希望这些文章对广大读者有所启迪。 At the turn of the century, our country berated the war drums for the development of the western region. People excited, global concern. What deserves our utmost attention in the large-scale development of the western region is its great significance for the sustainable development of China. Therefore, it is about the long-term welfare of the entire Chinese nation. Only by gradually sharing the fruits of the reform with hundreds of millions of people of all ethnic groups in the west and by sharing the achievements of modern civilization can Chinese society be able to make overall progress and achieve lasting peace and stability. We are keenly concerned with the development of the western region. Discipline inspection and supervision organs organically combine our functions and functions with the service for the development of the western region. Through our fruitful work, we will promote the building of a clean government and create a favorable political and social environment for the development of the western region, which will eventually promote the economic development in the western and national economies development of. This is a topic that the country, especially the discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels in the western region and every discipline inspection and supervision cadre should seriously think about and work hard to practice. Recently, this magazine has published a number of articles about how commanders and seconers serve the development of the western region. In this issue, they have further published a series of articles on this topic, including well-considered opinions and practical experiences. We hope these articles will inspire our readers.
近年来,国家电力公司在党风廉政建设和反腐败工作中,坚持标本兼治、从严治企,党风廉政建设和反腐败工作取得了新的成果。 去年,国家电力公司重点抓了严禁到12个风景名胜区开会,严格
2017年刚过一半,从巴黎剧院血流成河,到布鲁塞尔连环爆炸;从尼斯卡车碾轧惨案,到柏林货车冲撞;从伦敦桥恐袭到曼市演唱会自杀式爆炸,恐怖阴霾笼罩在欧罗巴上空。与此同时,菲律宾、埃及、印尼也相继爆发多起恐怖袭击,恐怖主义不断冲击着地球的安全之弦。  5月22日,美国小天后、歌手爱莉安娜·格兰德的演唱会刚结束,英国曼彻斯特就发生了自杀式恐袭事件,最终导致22人死亡,约60人受伤。英国首相特蕾莎·梅震怒