(一)还本年限与抵偿年限的意义 淨效益最大、或者毛效益相等而年費用最省的方案,都是好方案;如果人力物力財力条件允許,都是可以采用的方案。但是,在各个建設階段中,國家的投資能力是有一定限度的,不可能全面兴王,更不可在某一工程上無限制地追求效益而过多地積压資金,必須加以选擇,使有限的投資發揮最大的效益.选擇方案的重要尺度之一便是还本年限和抵偿年限。
(1) Repaying the significance of this year and the period of compensation The programs with the greatest net benefits, equal gross benefits, and lowest annual costs are good solutions; if human, material, and financial conditions permit, they can all be adopted. However, in various stages of construction, the country’s investment capacity has a certain limit, it is impossible to fully develop the king, and it is impossible to pursue benefits in an unlimited way and overstock the funds. It must be chosen to make it limited. The investment will play its biggest role. One of the important criteria for choosing a plan is to repay the current year and the period of compensation.