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我国的高等服装教育是与我国当前的时装工业一起发展起来的。在这个过程中,自然有摸索与尝试,成功与失败。以往我们在教学中,比较注重基础的表现技巧和美的形式法则的训练,目的是让学生毕业后有广阔的发展余地。多年的实践证明这种方法是有效的。但是,有些问题也渐渐引起我们的思考,那就是高等院校的教育要想对社会起积极的指导作用,就必须使教学结合实际并有针对性。我国的情况与西方、日本和香港不同,如我们的社会生活中对礼服的需求量很小。但我们却有一种偏见,似乎觉得只有礼服和“艺术型”的服装才谈得上设计;只有设计礼服才能表现设计师的才思,对设计符合企业生产实际的服装不大感兴趣。 China’s higher clothing education is developed together with the current fashion industry in our country. In this process, there are naturally groping and trying, success and failure. In the past, in teaching, we paid more attention to the basic performance skills and the training of the beauty of the rules of form. The purpose is to allow students to have ample room for development after graduation. Years of practice have proved that this method is effective. However, some problems have gradually aroused our thinking. That is, if education in higher education wants to play an active guiding role in the society, we must make the teaching practice-oriented and relevant. The situation in our country is different from that in the West, Japan and Hong Kong. For example, the demand for dresses in our social life is very small. But we have a bias, it seems that only the dress and the “art-type” clothing was only talking about the design; only the design of the dress to show the designer’s talent, designed to meet the actual production of clothing is not very interested.
形式:规定的结构当原始人第一次将两块石头共置一起时,他便在形式发展上迈出了第一步。也可以理解为在某些直观的方法下, Form: Prescribed Structure When the primitives
AIM:To assess the prognostic significance of nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) and its target genes in gastric cancer. METHODS:The tumor tissues of 115 patients with ga
很多人早上起床的时候总是感到腰酸背痛、活动不便,到医院检查,又是照片子,又是做超声,结果也没查出什么名堂。医生说没有多大问题,是“腰肌劳损”而已,于是随便开点药,吃吃、贴贴完事。用药的时候疼痛也能好一些,药一停症状又出现,酸痛总是好好坏坏,缠绵不去,我们总不能长期依赖药物吧。既然医生说没多大问题,为什么又总是治疗不彻底呢?难道腰肌劳损真的这么难治吗?  要想回答这个问题,首先让我们来打一个比方,看