
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HoshinoYuki
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe pregnant patients with mitral stenosis who had intracardiac thrombosis in the absence of atrial fibrillation. Study design: We reviewed the clinical course of 3 pregnant women with severe mitral stenosis and normal sinus rhythm who had clinically significant intracardiac thrombosis. Results: The first patient was examined at 21 weeks of gestation with embolic stroke that was the result of left atrial thrombus. A second patient was found to have a large left atrial thrombus that prevented the performance of balloon valvuloplasty. The third patient had left atrial clot that partially occluded the mitral valve orifice and led to the development of pulmonary edema that resulted in an emergent cesarean delivery and anoxic brain injury in the newborn infant. Conclusion: Pregnant patients with mitral stenosis in normal sinus rhythm can experience thromboembolic events that can be detrimental to both the mother and the fetus. Anticoagulation therefore should be strongly considered in this group. Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe pregnant patients with mitral stenosis who had intracardiac thrombosis in the absence of atrial fibrillation. Study design: We reviewed the clinical course of 3 pregnant women with severe mitral stenosis and normal sinus rhythm who had clinically significant Results: The first patient was examined at 21 weeks of gestation with embolic stroke that was the result of left atrial thrombus. A second patient was found to have a large left atrial thrombus that prevented the performance of balloon valvuloplasty. The third patient had left atrial clot that partially occluded the mitral valve orifice and led to the development of pulmonary edema that resulted in an emergent cesarean delivery and anoxic brain injury in the newborn infant. Conclusion: Pregnant patients with mitral stenosis in normal sinus rhythm can experience thromboembolic events that can be detrimental to both the mother and the fetus. Anticoagulation therefore should be strongly considered in this group.
怀胎十月,胎盘是腹中的胎儿通过其向妈妈索取生长发育所需营养物质的重要器官。当妈妈分娩后,胎盘随着胎儿娩出,它的使命也至此完成,而结束使命之后的胎盘究竟该何去何从? P
骨质疏松症是一种慢性、骨质衰老的代谢性疾病。过去一直认为妇女更年期后 ,雌激素水平下降是骨质丢失的主要机理。虽然雌激素降低是这种疾病流行的因素之一 ,但业已证实 ,许
血清钾低于2.50mmol/L即为严重低钾血症[1],其常可引起呼吸肌麻痹或严重心律失常而危及生命。我们于1996~1999年间共诊治了17例医源性严重低钾血症 ,有若干成功体会 ,亦不乏深刻教训 ,结合文献复习 ,
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine syncytiotrophoblast intercellular adhesion molecule- 1 expression in villitis and in normal chorionic vill
本文对我院临床科室确诊的DM10 0例 ,NIDDM53例进行了血、尿 β2 -微球蛋白 (β2 -MG)、白蛋白(A1b)、免疫球蛋白 (IgG)、α1-微球蛋白 (α1-MG)测定 ,以便全面了解和评价全肾功能损伤情况 ,
2型糖尿病患者因常有超重和胰岛素抵抗现象而须大量胰岛素控制血糖 ,但胰岛素治疗又可增重而须加大胰岛素用量 ,作者评价 2型糖尿病患者在单用胰岛素未能控制的情况下 ,联用