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  Many of the world’s most charismatic animal species—those that attract the largest interest and deepest empathy from the public—are at high risk of extinction in part because many people believe their iconic stature guarantees their survival.
   A new international study published in PLOS Biology suggests that the popularity of tigers, lions, polar bears and others may actually contribute to the species’ downfall.
   The researchers used a combination of online surveys, school questionnaires, zoo websites and animated films to identify the 10 most charismatic animals. The top three were tigers, lions and elephants, followed by giraffes, leopards, pandas, cheetahs, polar bears, gray wolves and gorillas.
   “I was surprised to see that although these 10 animals are the most charismatic, a major threat faced by nearly all of them is direct killing by humans, especially from hunting and snaring,” said William Ripple, a distinguished professor of forest ecology at Oregon State University and a co-author on the study.
   “This killing by humans seems sadly ironic to me, as these are some of our most beloved wild animals.”
   Many of these animals are so frequently depicted in pop culture and marketing materials that they may constitute a deceptive “virtual population” that is doing better in the media than in nature, noted lead author Franck Courchamp of the University of Paris.
   The researchers found, for example, that the average French citizen will see more virtual lions through photos, cartoons, logos and brands in one month than there are wild lions left in West Africa.
   “Unknowingly, companies using giraffes, cheetahs or polar bears for marketing purposes may be actively contributing to the false perception that these animals are not at risk of extinction, and therefore not in need of conservation,” Courchamp said.
   In their paper, the researchers propose that companies using images of threatened species for marketing purposes provide information to promote their conservation, and perhaps part of their revenue for protection of the species.
   Endangered species conservation efforts are numerous, though splintered. The researchers note that 20 million Americans took to the streets in 1970 to demonstrate on the first Earth Day1, but there hasn’t been a similar mobilization for conservation since.
   Oregon State’s Ripple said the concept of charismatic species is pervasive in conservation literature and the public may assume that efforts to ensure their survival are in place2 and successful.    “Even much of the literature emphasizes the need to go beyond charismatic species and focus on the lesser known ones,” Ripple said. “The public may be taking for granted that we’re doing all we can to save them, when we don’t even know for certain how many elephants, gorillas, or polar bears exist in the wild.”
   The status of most of the top charismatic species is cause for alarm, Ripple pointed out.
  The abundance of tigers in the wild is estimated to be less than 7 percent of their historic number, and at least three sub-species—Bali, Javan and Caspian tigers—are now extinct.
  Lions are declining almost everywhere in Africa, with populations estimated to be at less than 8 percent of historic levels; only 175 individuals are thought to exist in Eurasia —all of these are in India.
  The African forest elephant has declined by 62 percent in the last nine years, while savannah elephants are thought to be at less than 10 percent of their historic numbers—mostly because of poaching.
  Fewer than 2,000 pandas remain, occupying less than 1 percent of their historic range and their future is uncertain because of climate change.
   “The top 10 charismatic animals are all mammals and include some of the largest carnivores3 and largest herbivores4 in the terrestrial world,” Ripple said. “The fact that humans are also large mammals might explain why the public has a strong affinity for these 10 mammals—it seems like people also love large animals much more than small ones.”
   Nearly half (48.6 percent) of all the non-teddy bear stuffed animals sold in the United States on Amazon were one of the 10 charismatic animals, while in France some 800,000 “Sophie the giraffe” baby toys were sold in 2010—more than eight times the numbers of giraffes living in Africa.
   “The appearance of these beloved animals in stores, in movies, on television, and on a variety of products seems to be deluding the public into believing they are doing okay,” Ripple said. “If we don’t act in a concerted effort to save these species, that may soon be the only way anyone will see them.”
  “在我看来,人类这种杀害行为似乎极为讽刺,因为这都是我们最爱的一些野生动物。”   研究论文的第一作者、巴黎大学的知名学者弗兰克·库尔尚指出,这些动物中有许多经常出现在流行文化和营销材料中,以致可能构成一个欺骗性“虚拟种群”,这一种群在媒体上比在自然界中过得更好。
  1 Earth Day地球日,即世界地球日(World Earth Day),于每年的4月22日举办,是一项世界性的环境保护活动。
  2 in place准备就绪。
  3 carnivore食肉动物。  4 herbivore食草动物。
【1】很少有人会否认,仅仅数十年间,现代社会就已发生了巨大变化。变化可能表现在诸多不同方面,譬如,可支配收入增长、消费品与服务供应大规模增加、个人出行能力提高、休闲开支增多,以及日常家务时间减少。  【2】可能值得注意的是,日益复杂的知识领域带来的技术效率的提高、现代消费模式留下的不断增加的资源“足迹”、贸易交往的加强、传统乡村产业的衰落、制造业向发展中国家的转移,以及“知识”经济的兴起。  【3
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