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作为高职院校音乐专业教学中的一门重要的基础性理论课程,它包括音乐审美能力的培养、音乐基础理论的掌握及视唱练耳技能的训练为一体的一门综合性基础理论学科课程。历年来都被各大高职院校设为音乐类专业基础课程之一。由于视唱练耳课程有着较强的基础性和技术性特点,在某种程度上影响和制约着学生基本的音乐素质,也是学生全面掌握和理解音乐的开始。因此,视唱练耳课程在高职院校音乐专业基础课程构建中占据着非常重要的位置。目前我国高职院校音乐舞蹈表演与教育专业视唱练耳课程的教学现状不容乐观,还存在着许多需解决的问题。本文将围绕视唱练耳内容与重要性、高职院校音乐舞蹈表演与教育专业视唱练耳教学现状以及针对这些现状的一些改革措施展开讨论与研究。 As an important basic theory course in the teaching of music in higher vocational colleges, it includes the cultivation of aesthetic ability of music, the mastery of musical basic theory and the training of solfeggio and solfeggio skills as a comprehensive basic theory discipline course. Over the years have been major vocational colleges set as one of the basic course of music. As the solfeggio course has a strong foundation and technical characteristics, to a certain extent, affect and constrain the students basic musical quality, but also students a comprehensive grasp and understanding of the beginning of music. Therefore, the solfeggio course occupies a very important position in the construction of the basic course of music major in higher vocational colleges. At present, the current situation of the teaching of music, solitude and ear training in music, dance and education in vocational colleges in our country is not optimistic. There are still many problems to be solved. This article will focus on the content and importance of solfeggio, music and dance performances in higher vocational colleges and education of professional solfeggio teaching status quo and some of the reform measures for these discussions and research.
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Because the con?icting data currently available from the performed randomized trials it is very di?cult to provide strict guidelines for the treatment of patie
经过13年的艰巨斗争 ,我国即将加入WTO。在这样一个重要的国际组织里不能没有中国。我们加入WTO的目的 ,既是为了发展自己的国家 ,也是为了全世界的繁荣。既然加入 ,就要坚定不移地维
摘 要:本文提出了课堂教学十忌:忌动怒,忌冲动,忌乱侃,忌超纲,忌无纲,忌偏纲出题,忌教研分离,忌教学分离,忌言行不一,忌不修边幅,以期和广大教师共同探讨,提高教学质量。  关键词:课堂教学;禁忌;教学质量  改进教学方法,提高教学质量,这是一个永恒的话题。本文试图从另一个侧面——教学禁忌这个话题,谈谈个人的见解,与同仁们互相交流。  一、忌课堂动怒  在课堂上,面对学生的一些错误,教师应克制情感
WTO是各国与国际经济体系联系与合作的重要桥梁。WTO的前身是1947年成立的关贸总协定(简称GATT) ,这是一个由各缔约方政府签署的关于贸易问题的多边协议。GATT产生的最初动因是为了防止20世纪30年代世