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德胜寺是明代镇边城辖区内的一座寺院,其遗址保存至今。遗址内残存有明代嘉靖年间重修寺庙的碑记碎块,共三块。残存碑文较完整地记录了京师西北部镇边路的长城防御体系及其主要职官信息,一定程度上体现了明中期、特别是庚戌之变后京师西北部长城防御体系的完善和加强。本文通过对碑文的校释,结合文献等资料对明代、特别是嘉靖时期镇边路长城及所属四座城堡的形成做一梳理,揭示了镇边路长城防御体系形成的原因和过程。 Desheng Temple Ming Dynasty town border area within a temple, the site preserved so far. Remnants of the remnants of the Ming Dynasty Jiajing rebuilt the temple monument fragments, a total of three. The surviving inscription recorded the Great Wall defense system of the Zhenbian Road in Northwest of Beijing and its chief officer information more completely. To some extent, it reflects the improvement and strengthening of the Great Wall defense system in northwestern capital of Beijing in the middle and Ming Dynasty, especially after the change of Geng Xu. This article reviews the formation of the Great Wall of Zhenbian Road and the process of the Great Wall defense system of Zhenbian Road by combing the inscriptions and combining the literature with other documents.
Objective Mutations in 23 S rRNA gene are known to be associated with macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae(M. pneumoniae). However, these mutations alo
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Heydays of the Silk Roads in the Sui-Tang Period In nearly 400 years from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220) to the founding of the Sui Dynasty (581