
来源 :价格理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyinxia_email
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这几年,中药材流通体制和价格体系改革和调整的成效是显著的。随着整个农产品价格的提高,国家采取以调为主的办法,合理提高了多数中药材的收购价格,适当降低了一些偏高品种的收购价格。1984年比1978年,全国中药材的收购价格指数提高18.9%。在调整过程中,逐步理顺了一些品种的购销差价和地区差价。本着放开搞活的方向,国家下放了价格管理权限。将过去全国统一管理的33种主要药材全国县城以上的统一收购价格,改为只管主要产地的收购价格。其他分散产地,由各省、市、自 In recent years, the effectiveness of the reform and adjustment of the circulation system and price system for Chinese herbal medicines has been remarkable. With the increase in the prices of whole agricultural products, the state has adopted a method based on adjustment to rationally increase the purchase prices of most Chinese herbal medicines, and appropriately reduced the purchase prices of some high varieties. In 1984 compared with 1978, the purchase price index of Chinese herbal medicines increased by 18.9%. In the adjustment process, the purchase and sales spreads and regional spreads of some varieties were gradually straightened out. In the direction of liberalizing and invigorating, the state delegated price management authority. In the past, the unified purchase prices of the 33 major medicinal materials nationwide under the unified management of the county and county-level cities were changed to the purchasing prices of the major producing areas. Other scattered production areas, from provinces, cities, and
从前有一条鱼,它在海洋里环游世界后回到了自己的故乡,受到了整个家族最最热烈的欢迎。  于是它决定做个报告讲讲自己的见闻和经历。  “世界上最大的鱼是鲨鱼,主要分布在热带和海洋中。体长可达20米,体重可达20吨。”它骄傲地说。  “哗——”台下一片掌声。  “世界上最小的鱼叫胖婴鱼,体长8毫米,需要100万条才能凑够1公斤。”它继续说着。   “哦——”台下又是一片掌声。  “世界上游得最快的鱼是旗
Airplanes can be nasty1 places for sensitive and delicate2 passengers, especially when those passengers are telescopes! The pain is worth the gain, though, as y
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