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手套作为一种预防交叉感染的防护措施日益广泛地被运用于各项医护操作。然而由于对手套作用的错误认识,出现了诸如戴手套不洗手、消毒的现象;把手套视为“万能”。检测表明,乙肝病毒、流感病毒、结核杆菌等大量病原体并为不常规消毒剂和肥皂杀灭,只能在压力达1.05K/gcm2、温度达121.5℃并持续15分钟的条件下被杀灭。且细菌和病毒等尚可通过手套而渗漏到手上或手套表面迅速繁殖造成污染。因此,操作规范规定的洗手、浸泡、手套消毒及更换工作程序无一可缺。为保证手套的正确使用,特摘录美国疾病控制中心推荐的通用预防措施如下:当有可能接触血液和体液时要戴手套,包括接触病人的血液或体液、粘膜或破损的皮肤;接触被血液或体液污染的物品或表面;当操作者技术不熟练或病人不合作时进行静脉穿刺或其它接近血管的操作。并要求工作人员注意以下几:1、用高质量的手套,特别是当你可能接触血液或体液时;2、选择适合手型号的手套;3、更换手套前要洗手;4、决不要重复使用同一付手套;5、如发现肉眼可见的缺陷时要更换手套;6、剪短指甲避免刺破手套;7、不要戴戒指、手镯或其它可能刺破手套的珠宝饰物。认真执行上述事项才能正确发挥手套的防护作用,避免交叉感染和防止医? Gloves are increasingly used as a protective measure against cross infections in various health care operations. However, due to the misunderstanding of the role of gloves, there have been phenomena such as wearing gloves and not washing hands and disinfecting; the use of gloves as “universal.” Tests have shown that a large number of pathogens such as hepatitis B virus, influenza virus and tubercle bacillus are not killed by conventional disinfectants and soaps and can only be obtained under conditions of pressure of 1.05 K/gcm2, temperature of 121.5°C for 15 minutes. Kill. Moreover, bacteria and viruses can still leak through hands or glove surfaces through gloves to cause contamination. Therefore, the hand washing, soaking, glove disinfection, and replacement work procedures specified in the operating specification are indispensable. To ensure the correct use of gloves, the general precautions recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control are as follows: Wear gloves when there is a possibility of contact with blood and body fluids, including contact with the patient’s blood or body fluids, mucous membranes or broken skin; contact with blood or Contaminated items or surfaces with body fluids; venipuncture or other access to blood vessels when the operator is unfamiliar with the technique or the patient is uncooperative. And ask the staff to pay attention to the following: 1, with high-quality gloves, especially when you may be in contact with blood or body fluids; 2, select gloves suitable for hand models; 3, wash hands before changing gloves; 4, never reuse The same pay gloves; 5, if it is found that the naked eye can be replaced when the defects found in gloves; 6, cut short nails to avoid piercing gloves; 7, do not wear rings, bracelets or other jewelry that may pierce gloves. Careful implementation of the above-mentioned matters can only give proper play to the protective effect of gloves, prevent cross-infection and prevent medical treatment.
目的 :探讨毁损隔区对大鼠P3b电位的影响。方法 :记录隔区、海马CA1区的P3b电位且同步记录相应脑区细胞放电 ,观察毁损隔区对海马CA1区P3b电位及细胞放电的影响。结果 :隔区
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