烟蚜(Myzus pericae Suizer)是烟草上的主要虫害,发生为害严重,对烟草产量、品质影响极大.我州烤烟生产上常用万灵、抗蚜威等农药防治,由于多年连续使用,致使烟蚜抗药性增强,防治效果降低.而且药剂毒性大,使用不安全.选择高效低毒药剂取代现用农药是生产上的当务之急.“灭蚜净”是云南省新联化工厂生产的灭蚜专用药剂,由马拉硫磷和氰戊菊酯加增效剂复合而成,为高效、低毒、低残留农药新品种,我们采用该农药及其单剂的不同浓度对比进行了防治烟蚜的药效试验.
Myzus pericae Suizer is a major insect pest on tobacco, causing severe damage and greatly affecting the yield and quality of tobacco.It is widely used in the production of flue-cured tobacco in our country to prevent and control pesticides such as pirimicarb and pirimicarb. As a result of years of continuous use, Aphis resistance increased, prevention and control to reduce the effect. And drug toxicity, the use of insecurity. Select high efficiency and low toxicity to replace the existing pesticide is the production of the top priority. “Off aphids net” is the new chemical plant in Yunnan Province off the aphid-specific Pharmacy, malathion and fenvalerate plus synergist compound is a high efficiency, low toxicity, low residual pesticide new varieties, we use the pesticide and its single concentration of different concentrations of control against aphids Efficacy test.