,Etch Damage Evaluation in Integrated Ferroelectric Capacitor Side Wall by Piezoresponse Force Micro

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiansilang2006
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The etch damage in integrated ferroelectrie capacitors side wall fabricated by the typical integrated process (TIPFeCAP) and the innovated integrated process (IIP-FeCAP) are investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM). The ItP-FeCAP side wail exhibits fine and clear nanoscale domain images and the same piezoresponse signal as the thin film, and the domains can also be easily switched by an exteal voltage. In the TIP-FeCAP side wall, owing to the effect of etch damage, the very weak piezoresponse signal and some discrete domains can be observed, and the discrete domains cannot be switched by the applied 9 V and -9 V dc voltage. The PFM results reflect the etch damage in the integrated ferroelectrie capacitors and also suggest that the PFM can be used as an ettcacious tools to evaluate the etch damage at nanoscale and spatial variations.
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