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目的了解清原县农村居民精神障碍患病率及其分布特点。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CIDI1.0)对清原县2 598名18~65岁农村居民进行入户调查,采用DSM-Ⅲ-R标准对情感障碍、焦虑障碍及酒精使用障碍做出诊断。结果调查的应答率为94.16%。精神障碍的2周、12个月和终生患病率分别为4.97%,7.51%和9.39%,标化率分别为4.39%,6.61%和8.27%。情感障碍、焦虑障碍和酒精使用障碍的终生患病率分别为2.81%,5.27%和3.16%。女性的情感障碍(4.60%)和焦虑障碍(8.96%)患病率高于男性,酒精使用障碍(0.08%)显著低于男性。患病率随年龄增加而增高,55岁后略下降。文化程度低者情感障碍和焦虑障碍患病率高。离婚或丧偶者情感障碍患病率(11.11%)较高。18.03%和0.82%的患者一生中曾患有二类或三类疾病。结论清原县精神障碍患病率较高。45~岁组、文化程度低者、离婚或丧偶者患病率高。 Objective To understand the prevalence and distribution of mental disorders among rural residents in Qingyuan County. Methods A total of 2 598 rural residents aged 18-65 years from Qingyuan County were surveyed by multi-stage stratified random sampling method based on CIDI1.0. The DSM-Ⅲ-R standard was used to evaluate the emotion Obstacles, anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorders make a diagnosis. Results The response rate of the survey was 94.16%. The prevalences of mental disorders at 2 weeks, 12 months and lifetime were 4.97%, 7.51% and 9.39%, respectively. The standardization rates were 4.39%, 6.61% and 8.27% respectively. The lifetime prevalence of affective disorders, anxiety disorders and alcohol use disorders were 2.81%, 5.27% and 3.16%, respectively. The prevalence of affective disorder (4.60%) and anxiety disorder (8.96%) in women was higher than that in men, and alcohol use disorders (0.08%) were significantly lower than those in men. The prevalence increased with age, slightly decreased after 55 years of age. Low education level Affective disorder and anxiety disorders high prevalence. The prevalence of divorced or widowed affective disorder was higher (11.11%). 18.03% and 0.82% of the patients had type II or III disease in their lifetime. Conclusion The prevalence of mental disorders in Qingyuan County is high. 45-year-old group, with a low level of education, a high prevalence of divorce or widowed.
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