
来源 :国防科技工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelasun
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我国首次绕月探测工程取得圆满成功,是中国航天事业继人造地球卫星、载人飞船之后的又一个里程碑。在绕月探测工程实施过程中,广大科技人员和干部职工,严细慎实、不懈探索、无私奉献、勇于创新,为我国航天事业实现跨越性发展作出了重大贡献。近日,中华全国总工会决定,授予8个先进集体和22名先进个人全国五一劳动奖状和奖章。全国妇联决定,授予7名先进个人和3个先进集体全国三八红旗手、全国三八红旗集体荣誉称号。本刊选登其中几个先进人物的事迹报道,以展示他们的精神风貌和高贵品质,激励国防科技工业职工更加奋发有为、锐意进取、扎实工作。 The first successful round-the-moon exploration project in our country is yet another milestone after the success of China's space industry in man-made earth satellites and manned spacecraft. During the implementation of the lunar exploration project, the vast numbers of scientific and technical personnel and cadres and workers have made serious contributions to the rapid development of China's aerospace undertaking through its careful and earnest exploration, selfless dedication and innovation. Recently, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions decided to award 8 advanced collectives and 22 advanced personal National Labor Commendations and medals. The All-China Women's Federation decided to award 7 advanced individuals and 3 advanced collectives of the 8th National Cheng Kung Hui and 38th National Red Flag collective honorary titles. Articles published some of the stories of some of the best stories in order to demonstrate their spiritual outlook and noble qualities and motivate the workers in the national defense science and technology industry to make even greater efforts and determination to forge ahead and work solidly.
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2009年6月23日,广西电网公司在南宁发布《广西电网公司2008社会责任报告》,全面阐述该公司2008年度安全优质供电,履行经济、环境和社会责任等方面的工作绩效。 On June 23,
4月11日,《空中交通管理》第二届理事会第一次会议在贵阳召开。《空中交通管理》理事长、总局空管局正局级调研员茅顺平同志出席会议并 On April 11, the first meeting of