六年奋战 淮阴市京杭运河续建工程即将全面竣工

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国家重点项目京杭运河续建工程淮阴段,经过六年施工,已先后完成了淮安市境内运河中埂切除、淮泗段航道疏浚和宿迁船闸上下游段、泗阳郑楼段、淮阴淮安段浅窄航道水下土方疏浚,以及淮安、刘老涧、宿迁三座复线船闸工程。皂河、泗阳复线船闸和二河口段水下土方疏浚等工程也已进入尾工期,整个续建工程即将全面竣工。淮阴市在京杭运河续建工程建设的六年中,广大干群面对施工战线长(202公里)、单项工程多、时间要求紧的情况,克服了种种困难,全市先后动员了30多万民工,投入了大量人力物力,沿线各级政府和人民承担了按低标准赔偿补贴,搞好征地、拆迁安置和做好群众的生产生活安排工作;施工单位的干部、工程技术人员和广大职工,不分严寒酷暑,坚持常年战斗在第一线,为建设运河、开发运河流汗出力。现工程已基本完成,发挥了预期的效益: After six years of construction, the Huaiyin section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the key project of the national key project, has been successively completed; the middle and lower reaches of the Huai’an Canal, the dredging of the Huai-Sik Channel, the upstream and downstream sections of the Suqian Ship Lock, the Chenglou section of Siyang and the Huai’an section of Huai’an Narrow fairway underwater earthwork dredging, and Huaian, Liu Laojian, Suqian three double-line shiplock project. Soap River, Siyang double-line shiplock and Erhekou earthwork dredging and other projects have also entered the tail period, the entire continued construction is about to be fully completed. During the six years of the construction of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in Huaiyin City, the majority of cadres have overcome the difficulties in face of the long construction line length (202 km), the single project and the tight schedule. The city has successively mobilized more than 300,000 migrant workers , Invested a lot of manpower and material resources. Governments and people at all levels along the line have undertaken compensation and subsidies at a low standard, improved the land requisition, demolition and resettlement work and the production and living arrangements of the masses. The cadres, engineers, technicians and employees of the construction units, Divided into cold and heat, adhere to perennial fighting in the first line, for the construction of the canal, the development of canal sweat. Now the project has basically completed and played the expected benefits:
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