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日常生活中,我们使用着各种产品并与它们进行交互,这种人与产品之间的交互式体验方式已经渗透到传统的工业产品中,它的目的是完成某种任务,过程中希望给用户带来愉悦、快捷、满意的使用感受。产品设计是以有形物体为媒介,将人的某种目的或需要转换为一个具体实物的造型与功能设计,交互设计则是在创造产品与人的交互方式,致力于研究如何让产品易用、有效而让人愉快。这种用户使用产品的交互式体验过程——即产品与人之间的对话。 In everyday life, we use and interact with various products, and this interactive experience between people and products has permeated into traditional industrial products. Its purpose is to accomplish certain tasks, and in the process, we hope to give Users bring joy, fast, satisfied with the use of feelings. Product design is based on the tangible object as a medium, which transforms a person’s purpose or need into a specific object’s modeling and function design. Interaction design is to create a product-human interaction way, to study how to make the product easy to use, Effective and pleasant. This user uses the product’s interactive experience process - that is, the dialogue between products and people.
摘要 引进适合淮安地区春季大棚栽培的丰产、优质、抗病的水果型黄瓜新品种进行比较试验,结果表明:绿精灵比较适宜本地区栽培、推广;康秀1号和南水三号品种还需要进一步试验。  关键词 水果型黄瓜;新品种;春茬;大棚栽培;比较试验  中图分类号 S642.2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2015)16-0101-02  水果型黄瓜口感好、风味佳、无刺,旅游、外出等携带方便,越来越受到更多
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首先 ,要牢牢把握“代表先进社会生产力的发展要求” ,建强农村党员干部队伍。一是明确选用标准 ,把“谁能带领群众致富就让谁当干部”叫响抓实 ,促使德才兼备的农村优秀人才
DNA methylation plays an important role in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression during plant growth,development,and polyploidization.However,there is st
山西省沁水县嘉峰镇嘉峰村东临沁河,西靠侯月铁路,北依晋煤集团寺河现代化煤矿,南接晋阳高速公路,境内水电充足,资源丰富,交通便利, Jiafeng County, Qinshui County, Shanx
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