First, spinach spinach, origin Persia (now Iran), Tang Dynasty into our country, so far 1300 years. Spinach leaf thick soft green, green and green, for the four seasons meal on vegetables. Spinach seasons can be planted, but in the north you need to store autumn spinach to supply the winter market. Buried storage spinach buried method, also known as frozen storage. Take a shade barrier to the south in the field (or make use of the yangling wind barrier) and dig the east-west storage ditch about 15 cm north of the shade, about 40 cm deep and 80 cm wide. After the weather turns cold in early November, put the spinach with root harvest into a bundle of about 10 kilos, deposit it in a ditch in two rows and bury the spinach with moist soil. According to the degree of the weather gradually thicken soil cover. Normally from November to the end of December, soil is added in three portions, covering a total of 15-20 cm so that the spinach is in a frozen state throughout the storage period, but the vegetable temperature is not lower than -10 ° C. If the food temperature fluctuations up and down, so that food in the frozen state, it is easy to cause decay. When you need access,