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近两年来,来自中国的经济贸易官员访问美国时,常向我了解怎样在美国从事贸易才能成功?这些问题的解答皆牵涉到广泛的市场理念和商业策略问题。我站在美国市场的角度.对中国外贸的整体观状进行务实的分析与思考。我是搞服装业在美起家的,以在美从商多年的实际体验,参照中国外贸企业在海外经营得失的一些经验教训 我个人以为,中国外贸最大的当务之急。在于建立市场为本,流通盈利,销售为先的总体观念。没有这个观念,是很难真正进人错综复杂而又竞争剧烈的国际市场的 In the past two years, when economic and trade officials from China visited the United States, they often showed me how to do business in the United States in order to succeed. The answers to these questions involve extensive market concepts and business strategies. I stand in the perspective of the U.S. market and conduct a pragmatic analysis and reflection on the overall outlook of China’s foreign trade. I am engaged in the garment industry started in the United States, in order to experience the practical experience of the United States for many years, with reference to the experience and lessons of Chinese foreign trade companies in overseas business gains and losses I personally think that China’s foreign trade is the top priority. It is based on the overall concept of market-based, profitable distribution, and sales first. Without this concept, it is difficult to truly enter the complicated and competitive international market.
加拿大领土广阔,资源丰富,但人口稀少,现代经济发展比较晚,是一个后起的资本主义国家。20世纪以来,加拿大经济有了比较迅速的发展,目前已成为资本主义世界中工农业和生产技 人口 5982000 生活费用指数(美国=100) 148 直航城市(航班) 37 年办公室租费(每平方英尺) $96.31 对外文化开放程度 5级 对于迅速往返的商人和经营者而言,香港与中国
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中国国际展览中心1995年展览计划表国际美容美发及化妆品展览会 3.8—3.12北京国际化妆博览会 3.8—3.12首届文化娱乐产品博览会 3.10—3.16中国机械定货会 3.13—3.18意大