这天,风和日丽,天高气爽。在本市的电脑一条街上.萱萱的电脑店在鞭炮声中开张了,店门前摆满了花篮,一片祝贺声中.也有不少人心生疑惑:这条电脑街,一家挨着一家,竞争越来越激烈.一些电脑店门可罗雀.生意淡得很,眼看就要撑不住了,看这个女老板,也不过二十出头,初出茅庐,能行吗? 萱萱似乎看出了人们的疑惑,她充满信心地对大家说:“请你们不要担心,要不了几个月,我的电脑店就会红红火火,生意在于人做,各人的做法不同,结果也就会不一样……”三个月过去了,人们果然发现,萱萱的电脑店真是顾客盈门,人来人往,红红
On this day, the weather is beautiful and sunny. In one of the streets of the city’s computers, the computer stores of the mall opened up in the sound of firecrackers. The front of the shop was full of flower baskets. It was a congratulatory signal. Many people were also puzzled: This computer street is home to a family. The competition is getting more and more fierce. Some computer stores are extremely crowded. The business is very light, and you can’t stand it any longer. Look at this female boss, but it’s only in his early twenties. It’s a fledgling, can it? Can you see people? Suspiciously, she said to everyone with confidence: “Please don’t worry. In a few months, my computer shop will be booming. The business lies in people. Different people will do different things. The result will be different... ...” Three months have passed, and people have discovered that the computer shop at the site is really a customer, and people come and go.