
来源 :食品工业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cutuf
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中国膳食模式的特点是谷类和蔬菜为主而动物性食物少,故心脑血管病和癌症的发病率低。但近年来由于膳食模式的转变,心脑血管病和癌症的发病率居于前两位。流行病学研究证明,膳食中高能量、高脂肪、低动物蛋白、高盐、低钙、低蔬菜、低水果摄入量将增加心脑血管病和癌症的发病率。针对这些因素,中国营养学会修订了居民膳食指南,以预防这些疾病的发生。《指南》共有八条:a. 食物多样,谷类为主;b. 多吃蔬菜、水果和薯类;c. 每天吃奶类、豆类或其制品;d. 经常吃适量鱼、禽、蛋、瘦肉,少吃肥肉和荤油;e. 食量与体力活动要平衡,保持适宜体重;f. 吃清淡少盐的食物;g. 饮酒,应限量;h. 吃清洁卫生、不变质的食物。 China’s diet is characterized by cereals and vegetables mainly animal foods and less, so the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer is low. However, due to the change of dietary patterns in recent years, the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer ranks in the top two places. Epidemiological studies have shown that dietary high energy, high fat, low animal protein, high salt, low calcium, low vegetables, low fruit intake will increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. In response to these factors, the Chinese Nutrition Society revised the dietary guidelines of residents to prevent the occurrence of these diseases. There are eight guides in total: a. Food diversity, cereal-based; b. Eat more vegetables, fruits and potatoes; c. Daily milk, beans or their products; d. Eat regular amount of fish, poultry, eggs, lean meat, eat less fat and meat oil; e. Food intake and physical activity to balance, maintain appropriate weight; f. Eat light salt foods; g. Drinking, should be limited; h. Eat clean, non-degenerate food.
“Miranda Saga” is targeted as an intiation stroy. The typical general plot mode distinguishes this genre from other literary forms.Predicted on the archetypal
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