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肝硬化门静脉高压症祖国医学归属于癥、瘕、痞、积范畴。姜春华认为肝病包括早、晚期肝硬化,主要是血滞,带来气滞,所以治疗首先应考虑活血,以活血化瘀为主,即使晚期肝硬化腹水仍以此法为主。中国医学科学院曾应用现代血液流变学,尤其是微循环的理论、技术和方法,对各种血瘀证进行了实验研究,结果表明各种血瘀证患者多显示全身或局部的血液流变学异常。经活血化瘀治疗,随病情缓解或好转,血液流变学异常或微循环障碍也得到改善或纠正。基于这些理论,我们设想活血化瘀对于早、晚期肝硬化具有一定疗效,也有可能降低门静脉压力。为了探索中西医结合治疗肝硬化门静脉高压症,提高治疗门脉高压疗效,研究复方丹参 Liver cirrhosis of portal hypertension in the motherland medicine belongs to the category of disease, delirium, fistula, and product. Jiang Chunhua believes that liver disease includes early and late liver cirrhosis, which is mainly due to blood stagnation, which brings about qi stagnation. Therefore, treatment should first consider blood circulation, mainly by promoting blood circulation, even if the advanced liver cirrhosis is still based on this method. The Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences had applied modern hemorheology, especially the theory, techniques, and methods of microcirculation, and conducted experimental research on various blood stasis syndromes. The results showed that patients with various blood stasis syndromes showed systemic or local blood rheology. Abnormal learning. After treatment with blood circulation, blood rheology abnormalities or microcirculatory disturbances are also improved or corrected as the condition is relieved or improved. Based on these theories, we hypothesize that blood circulation therapy has a certain effect on early and late liver cirrhosis, and it may also reduce portal pressure. In order to explore the treatment of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension with the combination of Chinese and Western medicine, to improve the efficacy of treatment of portal hypertension, study the compound salvia miltiorrhiza
一、什么是牦牛黄据《中药鉴定学》中记载:“牛黄是哺乳纲牛科动物黄牛Bos taurus domesticus Gmelin、水牛Bubalus bubalis Linne、牦牛Poephagus grunnlens Linne和犏牛(
小麦用水浸透,捣烂,过滤去渣,取沉淀后的淀粉放锅内炒至起烟呈深黄色,取出冷透,研末备用。患处红肿者,以本药加少许大黄末用冷开水调敷,患处色白 Wheat soaked with water,
中华医学杂志 25(1939)683内容摘要——保险子为一种茄科楠物的种子,专用以治疗外科重伤,有止痛、止血的功效,氏等曾分析保险子的化学成分,知含有一种针状结晶形的生物碱,其
处方:乌梅适量。用法:将乌梅洗净,放入瓦煲内加清水用文火炖至乌梅熟烂后用纱布滤出梅汁,再将滤出的梅汁用文火煎成流浸膏样(每克膏约用乌梅30克)。成人每次服1克,每日服 P