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党中央、国务院在《关于大力开展植树造林的指示》中提出:“经过全国各族人民的长期奋斗,把我国的森林覆盖率提高到30%.在本世纪末把森林覆盖率提高到20%”.这一奋斗目标是社会主义建设的需要,也是全国人民的愿望.在本世纪末能否把森林覆盖率提高到20%,以及通过哪些途径才能达到这一目标,是一个值得研究与探讨的问题.我国林业的现状根据1973—1976年全国森林资源清查资料,我国有林地面积为18.279亿亩,占国土面积143.89亿亩的12.7%.但是,近几年来我国的森林资源急剧减少,有林地面积已从七十年代的18.279亿亩减少到17.3亿亩,森林覆盖率从12.7%降低到12%,而年用材消耗量却从1.96亿立方米增至2.9亿立方米.这样,到本世纪末,要把森林覆盖率提高到20%,必须扩大森林面积11.5亿亩,这确是 The Central Party Committee and the State Council put forward in the “Directive on Vigorously Planting Trees and Afforestation”: “After the long-term struggle of the people of all ethnic groups across the country, China’s forest coverage rate will be raised to 30% and the forest coverage rate will be raised to 20% by the end of this century” The goal of this struggle is the need of socialist construction as well as the aspiration of the people throughout the country, and it is worth studying and discussing whether forest cover can be increased to 20% by the end of this century and through which channels to achieve this goal Current Situation of Forestry in Our Country According to the national inventory of forest resources from 1973 to 1976, China has a land area of ​​1,827.9 million mu, accounting for 12.7% of the total land area of ​​14.388 billion mu, however, the forest resources in our country have been drastically reduced in recent years, Has been reduced from 1,827.9 million mu in the seventies to 1.73 billion mu, the forest cover rate has been reduced from 12.7% to 12%, and the annual timber consumption has increased from 196 million cubic meters to 290 million cubic meters.Thus, by the end of this century, To increase the forest coverage rate to 20%, we must expand the forest area to 1.15 billion mu. This is indeed the case
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