
来源 :中国健康心理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong504
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目的调查276例儿童家长和40名幼儿园教师的手足口病相关知识和防护行为,为进一步开展健康教育提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽取的方法。按照大中小班的家长,根据本地和外来打工儿童家长、幼儿老师对手足口病的知晓率和健康行为形成率进行问卷调查。结果在手足口病原有的认识正确率上幼儿园老师达到89.5%;本地幼儿家长达到了63.9%;外来打工子弟幼儿家长为39.7%(χ2=49.059,P<0.05),同样,在手足口病传播途径、手足口病预防措施方面,幼儿园老师回答正确率高于本地幼儿家长;本地幼儿家长回答正确率高于外来打工幼儿家长(χ2=18.606,29.258;P<0.05),而在发病对象及临床表现的认识上,三者无统计学差异。宣传手册、电视,广播、报纸等新闻媒体及幼儿园是幼儿家长获取手足口病防治护理知识的渠道和预期渠道。结论幼儿园教师和幼儿家长对手足口病相关知识的掌握不全面,尤其是打工子弟家长,应根据家长的具体情况,采取多元化的传播渠道,以有效提高家长手足口病相关预防及护理知识认知水平。 Objective To investigate the hand-foot-mouth disease-related knowledge and protective behaviors of 276 children’s parents and 40 kindergarten teachers to provide the basis for further health education. Methods using hierarchical cluster extraction method. According to the parents of large, middle and small classes, according to the local and foreign migrant children’s parents, kindergarten teachers awareness of foot and mouth disease awareness and health behavior formation rate of the questionnaire. Results The prevalence rate of hand-foot-mouth disease was 89.5% for kindergarten teachers, 63.9% for local young children and 39.7% for parents of migrant workers (χ2 = 49.059, P <0.05). Similarly, Way, hand foot and mouth disease prevention measures, kindergarten teachers to answer the correct rate is higher than the local child care parents; local young parents to answer the correct rate is higher than migrant children (χ2 = 18.606,29.258; P <0.05), and in the incidence of clinical and clinical Performance of the understanding, the three no significant difference. Publicity brochures, television, radio, newspapers and other news media and kindergartens are the channels and expected channels for young parents to acquire HFMD prevention and care knowledge. Conclusion Kindergarten teachers and parents of young children do not have enough knowledge about hand-foot-mouth disease. In particular, migrant children parents should adopt a wide range of communication channels according to the parents ’specific conditions in order to effectively improve parents’ knowledge of hand-foot-mouth disease prevention and care Know the level.
目的 探讨奥氮平对精神分裂症患者血清视黄醇结合蛋白4(RBP4)的影响.方法 首发、未经药物治疗的精神分裂症患者随机分组,分别接受奥氮平(n=34)、阿立哌唑(n=28)治疗,测定治疗
目的 探讨康复期抑郁症患者父母教养方式、应对方式特点及其与症状的关系.方法 采用父母养育方式评价量表、简易应对方式问卷测评84例康复期抑郁症患者及79例正常人,并对两组
目的 观察艾司西酞普兰与米氮平治疗老年性抑郁症的疗效和安全性.方法 对符合CCMD-Ⅲ的抑郁症诊断标准的60例老年患者,随机分为艾司西酞普兰组和米氮平组分别治疗.采用汉密尔
目的 探讨不同B型钠尿肽(BNP)水平对老年慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者生活质量的影响.方法 采用自行设计一般项目调查表、健康调查简表(SF-36)对住院的427名老年CHF病人进行调查,并