
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awander
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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of modified docetaxel, cisplatin and calcium folinate (CF)/5-fluorouracil (mDCF) combination therapy for 27 patients with recurrent or metastatic gastric adeno- carcinoma (R/MGC). Methods: From May 2006 to July 2007, 27 R/MGC patients (18 were male and 9 were female) with a median age of 49 years (range19-66) were consecutively enrolled. The mDCF protocol included 50 mg/m2 docetaxel for 1 day and 25 mg/m2 cisplatin on d2-3, 200 mg/m2 CF on d2-3 and 2000 mg/m2 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) CIV (continous infusion) for 46 h on d2-3, repeated every 2 weeks. Results: Twenty-seven patients were evaluable for efficacy and toxicity. A median of 4.5 cycles was given. One complete and 12 partial responses were observed for an overall intent to treat response rate (RR) 48.1% [95% CI (confidence intervals): 32%-64%]. Median time-to-progression (TTP) was 6.2 months and overall survival (OS) was 11.8 months. Twenty-seven (100%) patients experienced bone marrow suppression, and of them 48.9% were Grade 3-4 (16.3% were Grade 4). Two patients (7.4%) ceased chemotherapy because of bone marrow suppression. WHO Grade 1-4 non-hematological toxicity, such as oral mucositis, nausea/emesia, peripheral neuropathy, liver dysfunction, diarrhea, nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxicity, occurred in 59.2%、51.9%, 48.1%, 44.4%, 25.9%, 18.5% and 11.1% patients, respectively, and most of them were Grade 1-2. No patient died due to chemotherapy toxicity. Conclusion: mDCF regimen is effective in treating R/MGC with a high RR and long TTP/OS in this trial. Despite its severe hematotoxicity, this regimen has some advantages such as no cross-resistance with paclitaxel (paclitaxel-resistant patients RR 2/6). These results suggested that the mDCF regimen worth further investigation in clinical study of R/MGC treatment. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of modified docetaxel, cisplatin and calcium folinate (CF) / 5-fluorouracil (mDCF) combination therapy for 27 patients with recurrent or metastatic gastric adeno- carcinoma (R / MGC) . Methods: From May 2006 to July 2007, 27 R / MGC patients (18 were male and 9 were female) with a median age of 49 years (range 19-66) were consecutively enrolled. The mDCF protocol included 50 mg / m2 docetaxel for 1 day and 25 mg / m2 cisplatin on d2-3, 200 mg / m2 CF on d2-3 and 2000 mg / m2 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) CIV (continous infusion) for 46 h on d2-3, repeated every 2 weeks. Results: Twenty-seven patients were evaluable for efficacy and toxicity. A median of 4.5 cycles was given. One complete and 12 partial responses were observed for an overall intent to treat response rate (RR) 48.1% [95% CI ( Median time-to-progression (TTP) was 6.2 months and overall survival (OS) was 11.8 months. Twenty-seven (100%) pati Two patients (7.4%) ceased chemotherapy because of bone marrow suppression. WHO Grade 1-4 non-hematological toxicity, such as oral mucositis, nausea / emesia, peripheral neuropathy, liver dysfunction, diarrhea, nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxicity, occurred in 59.2%, 51.9%, 48.1%, 44.4%, 25.9%, 18.5% and 11.1% patients, respectively, and most of them were Grade 1-2. No patient died due to chemotherapy toxicity. Conclusion: mDCF regimen is effective in treating R / MGC with a high RR and long TTP / OS in this trial. Cross-resistance with paclitaxel (paclitaxel-resistant patients RR 2/6). These results suggested that the mDCF regimen worth further investigation in clinical study of R / MGC treatment.
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<正> 乔治·蒙克是个臭名昭著的历史人物,正是这个乔治·蒙克在1660年实现了斯图亚特王朝的复辟,造成了英国历史的重大曲折。蒙克是什么人,他是怎样实现斯图亚特王朝复辟的。本文试做简单的论述。蒙克是个没落的封建贵族的纨袴子弟,是个死硬的王党分子。蒙克于1608年12月6日生于英国得文郡特林顿附近的波赛勒吉领地里。1625年经亲友多方帮助,到理查·格雷维尔那里当兵。由于蒙克肯为专制王权卖命,善于投机钻营,到1640年英国革命爆发