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近悉,美国前总统肯尼迪之子约翰·肯尼迪不顾自己家庭的坚决反对,竟独身一人远涉重洋——赴澳洲向一位孤女求爱,一时间引起各界人士关注,众新闻媒介亦纷纷追踪报导。若问此女是谁?她怎么会有如此巨大的魅力吸引总统公子?——这里还牵有一桩沉溺多年的遗案呢!原来这女人是美国好莱坞著名影星玛丽莲·梦露的女儿,今年已四十有余,现在澳洲从事传教慈善业务。众所周知,玛丽莲·梦露生前曾与肯尼迪及肯尼迪兄弟有过甚密交往,但时过不久便悄然去世了。至于去世的原因众说纷 It is reported that John F. Kennedy, the son of former Kennedy President of the United States, despite the resolute opposition of his own family, went so far as to go solo to an orphan girl in Australia for a time aroused the attention of all walks of life and the mass media also followed the reports. If you ask who is this woman? How could she have such a great charm to attract the president’s son? - There is also a legacy of years left over it! It turned out that this woman is the daughter of the famous Hollywood movie star Marilyn Monroe, this year has more than 40, now engaged in missionary charity in Australia. As we all know, Marilyn Monroe had had close contact with Kennedy and Kennedy Brothers before his death, but it passed shortly afterwards. As for the reasons for death say numerous
有根据地选择训练负荷是控制等级运动员(一级以上)训练过程的依据。但是,由于训练的作用相当复杂而且多种多样(如任务的不同),所以,必须按照规定的分类标 The choice of ba
青年偶像Jonas Brothers(乔纳斯兄弟)在英国似乎不像在美国那么受欢迎,起码NME不买账。在刚刚揭晓的NME年度音乐大奖中,他们获得了两个重量级最差奖,一是他们的新专辑 Young
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