回首2003年,中国对外贸易的发展令人称奇,尽管遭遇“非典”等一系列不可预知因素的干扰,但中国的进出口额双双突破4000亿美元,创历史新高。机电产品以53%的占比雄居进出口贸易产品的榜首,而船舶出口首次突破30亿美元,成为机电产品出口快速增长的新亮点。 扫描中国船舶出口、解读快速增长原因、预测未来发展趋势、关注船舶工业发展“瓶颈”,基于这样的目的,本刊记者日前专访了中国机电产品进出口商会船舶分会秘书长朱怀信先生。
Looking back on 2003, the development of China’s foreign trade was surprising. Despite a series of unpredictable factors such as SARS, China’s import and export both exceeded the record high of 400 billion U.S. dollars. Machinery and electronics accounted for 53% of the total number of import and export trade in the top of the list, and ship exports exceeded 30 billion US dollars for the first time, becoming a new bright spot in the rapid export growth of machinery and electronic products. Scanning the export of Chinese ships, interpreting the reasons for the rapid growth, predicting the future development trend, focusing on the “bottleneck” in the development of the shipbuilding industry, for this purpose, our reporter recently interviewed Mr. Zhu Huaixin, Secretary-General of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products.