中国的远程教育既是新生事物,也是必须通过不断学习、摸索、创造才能前进的事业;远程教育工作者既是教育者,也是学习者,而且必须是比自己的学生更加善于学习的人。由此,我们想到了开设关于科学学习和有效学习的栏目。 孙福万先生是中央广播电视大学师范部副教授、副主任,他的短文生动睿智、耐入回味,相信读者将每月都期待着读到他写的关于学习的韵味无穷的系列故事。
Distance education in China is both a newcomer and an undertaking that must be continuously progressed through learning, exploration and creativity. The distance educator is both an educator and a learner, and must be a learner who is better at learning than his own. As a result, we came up with a section on science learning and effective learning. Mr. Sun Fuwan is an associate professor and deputy director of the Normal Department of the Central Radio and TV University. His essay is vivid and memorable, and he is expected to read the monthly series of stories he learned about learning.