Adaptive online prediction method based on LS-SVR and its application in an electronic system

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buerzui
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Health trend prediction has become an effective way to ensure the safe operation of highly reliable systems,and online prediction is always necessary in many real applications.To simultaneously obtain better or acceptable online prediction accuracy and shorter computing time,we propose a new adaptive online method based on least squares support vector regression(LS-SVR).This method adopts two approaches.One approach is that we delete certain support vectors by judging the linear correlation among the samples to increase the sparseness of the prediction model.This approach can control the loss of useful information in sample data,improve the generalization capability of the prediction model,and reduce the prediction time.The other approach is that we reduce the number of traditional LS-SVR parameters and establish a modified simple prediction model.This approach can reduce the calculation time in the process of adaptive online training.Simulation and a certain electric system application indicate preliminarily that the proposed method is an effective prediction approach for its good prediction accuracy and low computing time. Health trend prediction has become an effective way to ensure the safe operation of highly reliable systems, and online prediction is always necessary in many real applications. To obtain better or acceptable online prediction accuracy and shorter computing time, we propose a new adaptive online method based on least squares support vector regression (LS-SVR). This method employs two approaches. One way is that we delete certain support vectors by judging the linear correlation among the samples to increase the sparseness of the prediction model. This approach can control the loss of useful information in sample data, improve the generalization capability of the prediction model, and reduce the prediction time. The other approach is that we we reduce the number of traditional LS-SVR parameters and establish a modified simple prediction model. This approach can reduce the calculation time in the process of adaptive online training. Simulation and certain electric system applicatio n indicate preliminarily that the proposed method is an effective prediction approach for its good prediction accuracy and low computing time.
做化学实验经常用到导气管,对于导气管伸入容器的长度是有一定讲究的,不能随心所欲,伸入容器内过长或过短都会影响实验结果,甚至导致实验失败。  一、气体的制备  制取气体时导气管不能伸入气体发生器过长,一般只需露出单孔塞0.5cm左右,这是因为导气管伸入气体发生器中过长,气体产生的初期很难将容器中的空气一次性排尽,这样收集到的气体往往不纯。如实验室制取氧气,导管只能通过单孔塞伸入反应容器内0.5cm左
媒介品牌构建的方法多种多样。本文以四川卫视《5·12中国爱——爱心行动》大型公益活动为例,浅析媒介运用活动营销策略助推品牌的构建。 There are many ways to build a m
摘 要: 本文结合近年广东省理科综合(生物)高考考试大纲对学生实验与探究能力要求,对高考复习中学生实验探究能力的培养进行了总结。  关键词: 生物实验 探究能力 培养策略  生物学首先是一门实验学科,因此,《普通高中生物课程标准(实验)》强调发展生物实验和科学探究能力[1],《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲(理科·课程标准实验版)》也将实验与探究能力[2]作为四大能力要求之一。虽然师生重视,但学