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外语教学的目的是培养语言综合能力,即语言知识掌握和语言技能的运用。其中语言技能是外语教学的最终目的和结果。而语言技巧听、说、读、写、译五个重要部分中最有意义,又具有引导作用的是听的能力。然而在实践教学中,英语听力的能力培养又是大部分教育工作者感到棘手的问题,不管是对老师还是对学生都是一个很大的挑战。听是人们进行语言交际的重要手段,是学习英语的重要途径之一。里弗斯的研究表明,听占整个语言交际活动的总量的45%。由此可见,训练听力有助于全面提高学生的英语交际能力。随着英语新教材的启用,加强学生的听力训练,提高学生听力理解水平,已经受到广大英语教师的高度重视。但目前农村初中的英语教学还处于起点阶段,离新课标所规定的目标尚有一定的距离。本人在本校中做过一次有关听力测试的问卷调查,统计结果表明,近50%的学生以为目前英语学习中最感困难、最为头疼的时听力题,37%的学生感到每次考试之后听力部分时最没有把握的。作为一种语言,如果失去了交际的实际意义,那么这种语言也就失去了本质的存在价值,而交际性的实现是听与说共同作用的语言过程。听与说是相辅相成、互相制约的,如果听不懂自然就说不了,这无不说明英语教学中听的重要性。正如有人曾经统计过,人们在实际的语言文字使用过程中,45%是通过听来完成的。所以怎么提高听力水平,成了老师、学生普遍关注的问题。那么如何才能提高听的能力呢?我们该如何来进行练习呢?每天花很多的时间盲目地去听是没用的,我们应该有目的、有计划、有选择、有策略的去听,也就是四有原则。 The purpose of foreign language teaching is to develop the comprehensive ability of the language, namely the mastery of language knowledge and the use of language skills. Language skills which is the ultimate goal of foreign language teaching and results. However, the most significant and guiding role of language skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating is the ability to listen. However, in practical teaching, the ability to cultivate English listening ability is the most difficult problem for educators, which is a great challenge to both teachers and students. Listening is an important means of people’s language communication and one of the important ways to learn English. Rivers research shows that listening to 45% of the total verbal communication activities. Thus, training listening helps to improve students’ English communication skills. With the opening of new English teaching materials, strengthening students ’listening training and improving students’ listening comprehension, they have received the great attention of the majority of English teachers. However, at present, English teaching in rural junior high schools is still in the starting stage, and there is a certain distance from the target set by the new curriculum standard. I have done a questionnaire on hearing tests in our school. The statistics show that nearly 50% of the students think that the most difficult and the most troublesome listening comprehension problem in English learning at present, and 37% of the students feel the listening part after each exam When the most uncertain. As a language, if the actual meaning of communication is lost, then the language will lose the intrinsic value of existence, and the communicative realization is a linguistic process of listening and speaking together. Listening and speaking are complementary and mutual restraint. If you do not understand nature, you can not say that it is important to understand the importance of listening in English teaching. As someone once counted, 45% of people actually listened to the actual use of spoken and written language. So how to improve the level of listening has become a common concern for teachers and students. How can we improve our ability to listen? How can we practice? It is useless to spend a lot of time blindly listening. We should have purpose, plan, choice and tactics to listen to Four principles.
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