Tracking molecular structure deformation of nitrobenzene and its torsion-vibration coupling by inten

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mzh18277648
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The structural deformation induced by intense laser field of liquid nitrobenzene(NB) molecule,a typical molecule with restricting internal rotation,is tracked by time- and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes.Raman spectroscopy(CARS) technique with an intense pump laser.The CARS spectra of liquid NB show that the NO_2 torsional mode couples with the NO_2 symmetric stretching mode,and the NB molecule undergoes ultrafast structural deformation with a relaxation time of 265 fs.The frequency of NO_2 torsional mode in liquid NB(42 cm~(-1)) at room temperature is found from the sum and difference combination bands involving the NO_2 symmetric stretching mode and torsional mode in time- and frequency-resolved CARS spectra. The structural deformation induced by intense laser field of liquid nitrobenzene (NB) molecule, a typical molecule with restricting internal rotation, is tracked by time- and frequency-resolved coherent anti-Stokes. Raman spectroscopy (CARS) technique with a intense pump laser. The CARS spectra of liquid NB show that the NO 2 torsional mode couples with the NO 2 symmetric stretching mode, and the NB molecule undergoes ultrafast structural deformation with a relaxation time of 265 fs.The frequency of NO 2 torsional mode in liquid NB (42 cm ~ ( -1)) at room temperature is found from the sum and difference combination bands involving the NO_2 symmetric stretching mode and torsional mode in time- and frequency-resolved CARS spectra.
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