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一、经济发展的几个历史阶段在香港开埠之前,澳门曾经是东方最大的贸易转运地之一,也是欧洲前往中国及日本经商的必经之地。香港开埠之后,贸易转运地位逐渐下降,并发展成为以博彩、旅游业为主的消费型城市。澳门现代经济发展始于本世纪60年代。到目前为止,大约经历了(或正经历着)两个阶段,即60、70年代和80年代初的工业化阶段和80年代中期以来的经济多元化和调整阶段。60年代和70年代,香港纺织业大量向澳门转移(欧美给予澳门较多的纺织品出口配额),出口加工工业不断发展,一度成为第一大产业,促使澳门经济高速增长,70年代平均增长速度达16.7%,堪称世界之最。80年代,澳门制造业开始向中国内地转移,而服务业,特别是旅游和金融业,得到长足发展,年均经济增长速度虽降至8%,但仍居世界前列。进入90年 I. Historical stages of economic development Before the opening of Hong Kong, Macao was once one of the largest trans-shipment destinations in the East and a must for Europe to go to China and Japan for business. After Hong Kong was opened to the public, the status of trade and transit gradually declined and it developed into a consumer-oriented city dominated by gambling and tourism. Modern economic development in Macao began in the 60s of this century. So far, it has experienced (or is experiencing) two stages, the stage of industrialization in the 1960s, the 1970s and the early 1980s and the stage of economic diversification and adjustment since the mid-1980s. In the 1960s and 1970s, a large number of Hong Kong’s textile industry shifted to Macao (the EU and the United States gave more quotas to the textile exports of Macao). The export processing industry continued to develop and became the largest industry at one time, prompting Macao’s rapid economic growth with an average growth rate of 70s 16.7%, called the highest in the world. In the 1980s, the manufacturing industry in Macao started to shift its business to mainland China. However, the service industries, especially the tourism and financial sectors, have made great strides. Although the average annual economic growth rate has dropped to 8%, the service industry in the world still ranks first in the world. Into 90 years
In order to study the unsymmetrical load effect in geological bedding strata for the Muzhailing tunnel on the Lanzhou-Chongqing passenger dedicated line in Chin