洪放的诗 中年书(组诗)

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主持人语:洪放当年的大组诗《苍茫》曾产生广泛影响。新世纪后主要从事长篇小说写作,近年重回诗歌写作,这组《中年书》即是。没有功利的诗歌写作,比从前更加深入内心,也更加契合他此刻的心境与灵魂。洪放写了多年小说,其实也还在写诗。只是诗歌更加私密和个人化了。不再讲究抒情,也不讲究诗歌为何人写、有何人读。他现在的写作,是一种向内的写作,近乎零度。这是转折,或许也是一个标志。——兰坡 Moderator language: The year of flood group poetry “vast” had a wide range of effects. After the new century is mainly engaged in novel writing, poetry writing back in recent years, this group of “middle age” is. There is no utilitarian poem writing, deeper than ever before in the heart, but also more in line with his mood and soul at the moment. Hong Fang wrote many years of novels, in fact, still writing poetry. Only poetry is more intimate and personal. No longer pay attention to lyrical, nor pay attention to why people write poetry, who read. His current writing is an inward writing, almost zero degrees. This is a turning point, perhaps also a sign. - Lan Po
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不是每个人都有机会看到在车窗外翻飞的钞票吧,我就曾看到过。   入职那年,单位组织旅游,回程车上,在站台买了烟台梨的同事坐在车窗边打开钱包收拾找零,此时列车启动,数张百元钞票如脱笼的飞鸟,在众同事的目光和惊叫中飘向窗外,其间随着火车前行、转弯带来的气旋调皮地做着空中特技动作。除了尽力掩饰懊恼与心痛以不致成为别人的笑柄,她别无选择。   艾丽丝·门罗的短篇小说《机缘》中,列车在经停站启动又骤停。
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