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我科对4例咽部多发性血管瘤采用缝扎术治疗取得了满意效果,报道如下:1 病例介绍 例1,男,10岁。血管瘤位于右侧扁桃体上极,约0.8cm×0.5cm×0.3cm,在局部采用荷包缝扎术,术后20天血管瘤消失。例2,女,19岁。血管瘤位于左侧软腭、咽腭弓,下达喉咽侧壁。在血管瘤外2mm处采用多点褥式缝扎,术后两月余血管瘤消失,例3,女,20岁。血管瘤位于右侧咽腭弓约1.5cm×0.5cm×0.3cm,在咽腭弓上下各褥式缝扎一针,术后一月余血管瘤消失。例4,男,16岁。血管瘤位于全软腭、后1/3硬腭、悬雍垂及右侧咽腭弓。第一次作悬雍垂根部贯穿缝扎、咽腭弓褥式缝扎及软腭硬腭多点贯穿缝扎以阻断腭大 In our department, 4 cases of pharyngeal multiple hemangiomas were treated with sutures. The results were as follows: 1 Case introduction Example 1, male, 10 years old. The hemangioma was located on the right upper pole of the tonsils, approximately 0.8cm x 0.5cm x 0.3cm. The purse-string suture was used locally and the hemangiomas disappeared on the 20th day after surgery. Example 2, female, 19 years old. The hemangioma is located in the left soft palate, pharyngeal arch, and is delivered to the lateral wall of the hypopharynx. The hemangioma was sutured at 2mm outside the hemangioma, and the hemangiomas disappeared more than two months after operation. Example 3, female, 20 years old. The hemangioma was located on the right side of the pharyngeal arch about 1.5cm x 0.5cm x 0.3cm. A needle was placed between the upper and lower pharyngeal arches and the hemangiomas disappeared after one month. Case 4, male, 16 years old. Hemangiomas are located in the full soft palate, the posterior one-third hard palate, the uvula, and the right pharyngeal arch. For the first time, the sacral sacral roots penetrate the sutures, the pharyngeal arch sew sutures, and the soft sacral hard sacral punctures are used to block the septum.
入世以来,中国经济与全球经济日益融合,金融危机也间接影响中国货运业。中国经济由出口拉动转向内需拉动,经济结构持续深化调整的同时,中国货运业也发生着显著的变化 Since
应用免疫组化双标染色法,以细胞角蛋白(Cytokeratin)抗体标志鼻咽癌细胞、以五种单克隆抗体标志单个核细胞(Mononuclear Cell,简称MNC)。对21例鼻咽癌(简称NPC)进行观察,了
患者女性,32岁。因心悸、气短伴全身水肿4个多月住院。检查:体温38.5 ℃。呼吸22次/min。心率120次/min,律齐。血压10.3/7.6KPa。呼吸急促,唇绀。颈静脉充盈,面部及四肢轻度