
来源 :小学教学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinlefeng1988
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对小学生进行法制教育是全民普法的起点。那么,在思想品德课教学中,如何针对小学生的年龄、生理和心理特点,使他们“初步了解一些同日常生活密切相关的通俗浅显的法律常识,进行法制观念的启蒙教育”呢?这里结合一些实例,谈几点具体做法: 1、故事启发法。可以将一些有关的法律知识寓于故事之中,绘形绘色地讲给学生听。如向学生进行爱护公共财产的教育,就可讲一个《森林的控诉》的故事,形象描述森林受到破坏的情景,以拟人的口吻向破坏林木者提出控诉,并通过动物法庭的审议,给以判处。 2、图示讲解法。这就是把法律条文用图画表现出来,文图对照,直观形象,便于小学生边看边想,调动其视、听感官和大脑,配合理解。如在讲解《治安管理处罚条例》时,就可以绘制一些诸如“辱骂他人”、“殴打他人”、“毁坏青苗”、“污垢别人衣物”、“阻碍交通”等组画,配以相应条文,引导学生边观察边述图意,边学法律条文,使其直观形象地理解和掌握。 The legal education of pupils is the starting point of universal civil law. So, in the teaching of ideology and morality, how can we, in light of the age, physical and psychological characteristics of primary school students, make them “get to know some plain common legal knowledge closely related to daily life and carry out the enlightenment education of legal concepts?” Examples, talk a few specific practices: 1, the story inspired method. You can put some of the relevant legal knowledge in the story, vividly told to listen to students. To educate students on public property protection, we can tell the story of a “complaint from the forest.” The image describes the scene in which the forest was damaged. By quasi-human voice, it lodges a complaint against those who destroy trees, and gives consideration to animal tribunals Sentenced. 2, the icon to explain the law. This is to display the legal provisions with pictures, text control, visual image, to facilitate primary school students to see and think, mobilize their views, listen to the senses and the brain, with the understanding. Such as the “Public Security Management Punishment Ordinance,” you can draw some such as “insult others”, “assault others”, “destroying young people”, “dirty clothes”, “obstruction of traffic” and other group paintings, with the corresponding provisions, guidance While observing the side of the map, students study the legal provisions so that they can be understood and mastered visually.
因为 X 线 CT 的射线剂量是决定 CT 图象质量的主要因素之一,所以除对稳压系统有特殊要求以外,保护和监测系统与普通 X 线机相比也有很大差别,特别是采用高压电容放电形式的
除法是一种运算,而分数是一种数,二者虽属不同概念,但它们的关系是这样的: 被除数÷除数=被除数/除数 (除数≠0) 这个关系不仅使除法与分数的意义相互补充,而且为解分数应用
教学要求: 1.通过演示配音的抽叠幻灯片,给幼儿以直观的节奏形象,培养幼儿对节奏训练的兴趣。2.帮助幼儿用乐器小铃、铃鼓、响板打出2/4拍的三种节奏型|××|,|×××||××
经济适用房成本首次被法院判决强制公开,显示当前此类房屋的成本及售价大多虽然明文规定,但操作中购房者仍难明底细 The cost of affordable housing for the first time by