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建材工业是一个高能耗产业,每年耗煤高达一亿一千多万吨,约占我国煤炭总产童的10%。万元产值能耗居全国各产业部门之首。因此,建材工业今后的发展,必须建立在节能降耗的基础上,否则,建材工业是没有出路的。国家建材局为此决定采用组织建材节能综合工程的办法,明确目标,集中精力,统一行动,扎扎实实地解决建材工业的深层次问题。通过组织节能综合工程,推广一批新技术,开发一批新产品,改造一批老企业,达到调整建材工业结构,为建材工业发展缓解能源不足的矛盾的目的。建材节能综合工程涉及到建材行业的方方面面,包括墙体材料、水泥、玻璃、石灰、陶瓷等多种产品的生产和管理。整个工程包 The building materials industry is a high-energy-consuming industry that consumes more than 110 million tons of coal each year, accounting for about 10% of China’s total coal production. Energy consumption per million yuan ranks first among all industrial sectors in the country. Therefore, the future development of the building materials industry must be based on energy conservation and consumption reduction. Otherwise, the building materials industry has no way out. The National Building Materials Bureau decided to use the method of organizing building energy-saving comprehensive projects to set clear goals, concentrate energy, and act in a concerted manner to solve the deep problems of the building materials industry in a down-to-earth manner. Through the organization of energy-saving comprehensive projects, the promotion of a number of new technologies, the development of a number of new products, the transformation of a number of old enterprises, to adjust the structure of building materials industry, for the development of building materials industry to ease the contradiction of energy shortages. The comprehensive energy-saving project for building materials involves all aspects of the building materials industry, including the production and management of various materials such as wall materials, cement, glass, lime, and ceramics. The entire project package
我厂是轻工业部唯一定点生产封包机的专业厂,主导产品 GK9单、双线手提封包机,主要适用于化工、建材、矿山、港口、仓库、粮食、化肥等行业缝封各种盛满货物的麻袋、纸袋、
他的命运与轮椅相依,他的文章或是凝滞了时光,或是用车轮在草地上,压出了难以磨灭的辙痕。 His fate depends on the wheelchair. His articles either stagnate the time o