行知思想导航 育人教育扬帆

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现阶段我们应该向陶行知先生学什么?每年在组织撰写“行知杯”论文时,总有不少教师如是问。可见,“向陶先生学什么”是一个长期困扰基层教师的问题。教师大多认为,陶先生的思想固然立意高远、内涵丰富、博大精深,但每年都学习生活教育、民主教育、平民教育等主张,该写的都写了,再写不出什么新的内容了。果真是这样吗?作为教科室人员,为了实现对教师的专业引领,我也尝试着思考这一问题。归 At this stage we should learn from Mr. Tao Xingzhi? Every year in the organization of writing “Xing Zhi Cup ” thesis, there are always many teachers asks. Can be seen, “Learn from Mr. Tao ” is a long-standing problem of grassroots teachers. Most teachers think that although Tao’s thinking is of lofty ideology, rich connotation and profound connotation, every year he learns the ideas of life education, democratic education and civilian education. The writing is written without any new content. Is this really true? As a classroom staff, in order to achieve the professional guidance of teachers, I also try to think about this issue. Return
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