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当中国“入世”的槌声在多哈敲响的时候,全球性经济战略格局便发生了根本性变化,中国就成了举世瞩目的焦点。而沈阳以其得天独厚的地理优势、雄厚的工业基础和人才储备,以及广阔的正待发展的市场空间,必将成为“入世”后最大的受惠城市之一,吸引海内外客商的青睐。沈阳是东北地区最大的经济、文化、交通、金融和商贸中心,是新中国成立后重点投资兴建的工业重镇,在国家经济和社会事业发展全局中一直占有举足轻重的地位。“九五”期间全市国内生产总值共计实现4684.5亿元,年均增长10.2%。其中2000年实现1116亿元,比1995年增长62.8%,人均达到16501元。提 When the mallet of “China’s accession to the WTO” sounded a fundamental change in its global economic strategy when it opened in Doha, China became the focus of world attention. Shenyang, with its unique geographical advantages, abundant industrial base and talent pool, and a vast market space awaiting development, will surely become one of the largest beneficiary cities after China’s accession to the WTO, attracting customers both at home and abroad. . Shenyang is the largest economic, cultural, transportation, financial and business center in the northeast region. It is an important industrial center invested by the People’s Republic of China after the founding of People’s Republic of China and occupies a pivotal position in the development of the country’s economy and social undertakings. During the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” period, the city’s GDP totaled 468.45 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 10.2%. Of these, 111.6 billion yuan was realized in 2000, an increase of 62.8% over 1995, reaching 16501 yuan per capita. mention
据《WP&DC》1994.2报导,上个月美国洛杉矶附近发生的里氏6.6级地震,使南加州数十座大坝遭到不同程度的破坏,其中,损坏最为严重的是 Pacoima 混凝土拱坝,出现了较为明 Accor
“尽享天年”是人类一直以来孜孜以求的目标。但人的“天年”到底是多少岁。自古以来,无数科学家探索着这个人类生命的“第一话题”。虽然考证方法不一,却大多把人类寿命的终点指针定格在120岁左右。    人到底能活多久    现实生活中的实例已经回答了这个问题。有确凿文献证明,史上最长寿的人是法国妇女让路易丝·卡门,享年122岁零164天:历史上最长寿的男人是日本的泉重千代,享年120岁零237天。这和科