Personalizing therapies for gastric cancer: Molecular mechanisms and novel targeted therapies

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpc123456
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Globally,gastric cancer is the 4thmost frequently diagnosed cancer and the 2ndleading cause of death from cancer,with an estimated 990000 new cases and738000 deaths registered in 2008.In the advanced setting,standard chemotherapies protocols acquired an important role since last decades in prolong survival.Moreover,recent advances in molecular therapies provided a new interesting weapon to treat advanced gastric cancer through anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2(HER2)therapies.Trastuzumab,an anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody,was the first target drug in the metastatic setting that showed benefit in overall survival when in association with platinum-5-fluorouracil based chemotherapy.Further,HER2 overexpression analysis acquired a main role in predict response for trastuzumab in this field.Thus,we conducted a review that will discuss the main points concerning trastuzumab and HER2 in gastric cancer,providing a comprehensive overview of molecular mechanisms and novel trials involved. Globally, gastric cancer is the 4th most frequently diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of death from cancer, with an estimated 990000 new cases and 738000 deaths registered in 2008. In the advanced setting, standard chemotherapies protocols acquired an important role since last decades in prolong survival. Moreover, recent advances in the molecular therapies provided a new interesting weapon to treat advanced gastric cancer through anti-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) therapies. Trastuzumab, an anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody, was the first target drug in the metastatic setting that showed benefit in overall survival when in association with platinum-5-fluorouracil based chemotherapy. Library, HER2 overexpression analysis acquired a main role in predict response for trastuzumab in this field .hus, we conducted a review that will discuss the main points of trastuzumab and HER2 in gastric cancer, providing a comprehensive overview of molecular mechanisms and novel trials involved .
摘 要:近年来,随着新课程教学改革任务的不断推进,以及素质教育理念的全面普及,针对初中教学来说,无论是教学方法还是教学观念都经历了较大程度的创新。在当前的初中教学环境中,小组合作教学模式逐渐受到了教师的广泛关注,并且也得到了大范围应用,但由于部分教师仍旧深受传统教学模式的影响,没有将小组合作教学模式的优势发挥出来。基于此,本文将以初中语文教学为例,对如何有效应用分组合作教学模式展开  分析。  关
  深入研究与建设开滦企业文化,不断推动企业管   理创新;紧密结合煤炭行业特点开展应用研究,促进企业安全管理水平不断提升;整合价值理念体系,为开滦战略目标提供文化支撑;以
摘 要:近年来,随着教育改革的不断推进,越来越多的新兴教学模式开始出现,读写结合作为其中一种,受欢迎的程度相对较高。在初中语文教学中,阅读与写作是学生必须要开展的两项活动,也是学生必须要掌握的两项技能。但由于多种客观因素的存在,比如时间紧张、素材不足等,学生的阅读能力以及写作能力的培养仍旧存在一定问题。基于此,本文将对如何借助读写结合教学模式开展初中语文教学活动进行分析。  关键词:初中语文 读写
摘 要:当今社会信息化、科技化的急剧发展,导致了当代年轻人对于优秀传统文化的认知非常缺失,传统文化知识更是极度缺乏。所以,促进中华优秀传统文化的传承,成了各科尤其是语文教学的当务之急。那么在初中语文教学中,应如何开展中华传统文化的教学呢?本文对此进行探析,提出若干教学实践策略。  关键词:传统文化 初中语文 教学渗透 实践策略  DOI:10.12241/j.issn.1009-7252.2020