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中国人民抗日战争的历史经验极为丰富,其中最重要的一条,就是在中国共产党倡导之下,建立以国共两党合作为基础的抗日民族统一战线。也就是高举民族解放的旗帜,正确处理民族矛盾与阶级矛盾的关系,争取和坚持无产阶级领导权,在有利于团结合作的前提下,国共两党在新的历史条件下建立信任,作出让步,在坚持独立自主的原则下,共产党领导的敌后战场与国民党领导的正面战场在战略上相互配合、支援,在争取民族独立和国家主权完整的前提下,实行解放区的联合一切民主阶级的统一战线的政治制度与国民党统治区的地主资产阶级专政的政治制度同时并存,才能有利于抗日民族统一战线的巩固和发展,从而最终取得抗日战争的胜利。 The Chinese people’s historical experience in the Anti-Japanese War is extremely rich. The most important one of them is the establishment of an anti-Japanese national united front based on the cooperation between the KMT and the CPC under the advocacy of the Communist Party of China. That is, to hold high the banner of national liberation, correctly handle the relationship between ethnic contradictions and class contradictions, strive for and uphold the proletarian leadership, and under the premise of being conducive to unity and cooperation, the two parties will establish confidence and make concessions under the new historical conditions, Under the principle of independence and independence, the pro-enemy battlefield under the leadership of the Communist Party and the frontal battlefield under the leadership of the Kuomintang are strategically coordinated and supported. Under the precondition of striving for national independence and national sovereignty and integrity, the united front of the liberated areas united with all democratic classes System and the political system of the dictatorship of the landlord and bourgeoisie in the ruled areas of the Kuomintang could co-exist with each other in order to be conducive to the consolidation and development of the anti-Japanese national united front so as to eventually win the war of resistance against Japan.
1=F2/45. 6 5 32 1 21 6 1 3 5 6756 5-九六年军渡大地阵阵春风,3 3 3 6 6 5 32 3 6 5 3 21 2 1-省纪委领导率领干部九十七名,32 3 5 1 3 3 6 5 3 2 1 6· 5 6走千家串万户访
摘要:较传统外科手术,导管介入术对患者造成的伤害较少,且能够有效加快患者的康复速度,但术后仍不时出现一些并发症问题,需要引起相关医护人员的高度重视。本文通过分析患者在应用导管介入术后出现的若干问题原因,重点阐述了相关护理对策。  关键词:导管介入术;问题;原因;护理对策  【中图分类号】  R47 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】1002-3763(2014)07-0228-02  在临床实践中,导