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近年来,MET试题对英语阅读理解能力的测试占着举足轻重的地位。如何提高英语阅读理解题的解题能力,并掌握其基本的解题技巧,这是许多师生普遍关心的问题,现结合1987年以来的MET和一些常见试题,探讨一下这类题型的解题思路和技巧。能力与题型根据国家教委颁布的MET考试大纲的要求,阅读理解题的解题能力大致体现在以下六个方面。一、领会文章主旨、大意的能力。这要求考生在读过一篇故事,一则新闻,一段说明以后,对全文有个整体理解,并能抓住文章的中心思想、段落大意、议论话题、文章结论以至作者意图。测试这种能力的 In recent years, MET test questions have played an important role in the test of English reading comprehension. How to improve the problem-solving ability of English reading comprehension questions and master their basic problem-solving skills is a common concern for many teachers and students. Now we have discussed MET and some common questions since 1987 to explore the solution to this kind of questions. Problem ideas and techniques. Ability and question type According to the requirements of the MET exam outline promulgated by the State Education Commission, the problem-solving ability of reading comprehension questions is roughly reflected in the following six aspects. First, comprehend the main purpose of the article and its ability to care about it. This requires the examinee to read a story, a piece of news, a paragraph, and then have a general understanding of the full text, and can grasp the article’s central ideas, paragraph ideas, discussion topics, article conclusions and author’s intentions. Test this ability
介词+which”有时可以与关系副词互换引导定语从句,应注意以下几点: 1.引导定语从句时,先行词一般是表示地点和时间意义的名词,例如: Preposition +which can sometimes be
上海的世博基因当年,有一群人陆续从上海的码头出发,带着当时能拿得出手的展品,或怀揣着向西方学习的想法,漂洋过海,前往另外一个新奇的国度,参观异国的世博会。    从首届世博会开始,上海便与世博会联在一起。然而,联系他们的到底是什么?  原来,过去上海那个繁忙的码头,正是维系世博会和上海、中国的那根绳索,也正是中西方文化在上海孕育的硕果。  登上码头,再远望。  过去,上海在这头,世博会在那头。  
灰烬  冬日里最美的事物  是这些铺陈于地面的金黄  干净、通透。只有彻底  的燃烧之后,生命  才会有如此迷人的灰烬  银杏,拥有白银一样的名字  也有黄金一样的归宿  你看那一只只金黄的火把  正在熄灭。你看我美丽的媳妇  捡了些叶片贴在镜面上  她是要用这灰烬  做一些书签  这是铺满灰烬的人间  这是美到极致的冬日  所有驻足流连的人  都无力否认也不忍直视  在这铺满灰烬的人间  我们小
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Language,for most of us,is a left-brain task-that much neurobiolo-gists have known ror a century.But from exactly where do we pluck allthose verbs,nouns,and ad
英语中有几种不用比较级可表示比较意义的句子。现分述如下: 1.一些可含有比较意义的不及物动词与适当介词搭配,引出比较对象,构成比较句。如: 1)This tea cannot compare w