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19世纪末德彪西开始创作出了象征主义风格的音乐作品,自此音乐艺术开始进入现代主义阶段。现代主义音乐的兴起使20世纪上半叶的音乐风格形式更为多样,音乐内容更加广泛,人们对音乐的理解也彻底突破了传统。借此笔者试通过传统音乐与现代主义音乐的特征对比来探究现代主义音乐的审美取向。传统音乐的组织讲究音乐的逻辑性、动机的统一性、音乐发展连贯合理性等。音乐中的每个音符就像宇宙中的星球,互相联系、互相影响,从而合理存在,它能够表达完整复杂的音乐思想。如舒伯特的《未完成交Ⅱ向曲》,这个作品虽然只有两个乐章,但是其内容依然完美无缺。乐曲采用传统的奏鸣曲式结构,第一主题的E大调旋律由弦乐声部平静柔和地奏出,由低音提琴的拨弦、管弦的和弦构成的和声背景,轻柔的为之衬托第二主题。黑管在c小调上奏出悠长的旋律结尾时又转为C大调的旋律,整个乐曲主部与副部互为补充又和谐自然,表现了安详、宁静、遐想、梦幻的音乐气氛,从乐句乐段到乐思都有严格的逻辑关系。作曲规范严谨,以大小调为主旋律,优美和谐,崇尚复调对位法。 Debussy began to create symbolic style music works in the late 19th century, and music art began to enter the stage of modernism. The rise of modernist music made the forms of music in the first half of the twentieth century more varied, the content of music more extensive, and people’s understanding of music completely broke through the tradition. Through this, I try to explore the aesthetic orientation of modernist music by comparing the characteristics of traditional music and modernist music. The organization of traditional music pays attention to the logic of music, the unity of motivation, the continuity and rationality of music development. Each note in music, like the planet in the universe, interacts and interacts with each other so that it can reasonably exist. It can express a complete and complicated musical thought. For example, Schubert’s “Unfinished Diploma” contains only two movements, but its contents are still perfect. Songs using the traditional sonata structure, the first theme of the E melody melody played by the quiet and soft parts of the string, plucked by the double bass, orchestral chords constitute the harmony of the background, soft to set off the second theme. The clarinet melody melodies in c major melody at the end of long melody. The main part and vice part of the melody complement and harmonious each other, showing the serene, tranquil, reverie and fantastic music atmosphere. From the phrase Music section to music have a strict logical relationship. Composer norms rigorous, with the size of the main theme, beautiful harmony, advocating polyphonic alignment.
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